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Obtain real-time data fromFactSetWorkstation



T= realtime(c,Srv,Sec,Cb)asynchronously requests real-time or streaming data from the FactSet®Workstation.


T= realtime(c,Srv,Sec)asynchronously requests real-time or streaming data from the FactSet Workstation. WhenCbis not specified, the default message event handlerfactsetMessageEventHandleris used.


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To request real-time or streaming data for the symbol'ABDC-USA'from the service'FDS1', a user-defined event handler (myMessageEventHandler) is used to process message events using this syntax.

t = realtime(c,'FDS1','ABCD-USA',@(varargin)myMessageEventHandler(varargin))

To request real-time or streaming data for the symbol'ABDC-USA'from the service'FDS1', using this syntax.

t = realtime(c,'FDS1','ABCD-USA')

The default event handler is used which returns a structureXto the base MATLAB®workspace containing the latest data for the symbol'ABCD-USA'.Xis updated as new message events are received.

Input Arguments

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FactSet工作站n connection, specified as a connection object created usingfds.

Data source or supplier, specified as a character vector or string scalar.


Data Types:char|string

Security symbol, specified as a character vector or string scalar.


Data Types:char|string

Event handler, specified as a function handle requests real-time or streaming data from the service FactSet Workstation.

IfCbis not specified, the default message event handlerfactsetMessageEventHandleris used.


Data Types:function_handle

Output Arguments

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Real-time data tag, returned as a nonnegative integer from FactSet Workstation.

Version History

Introduced in R2013a