How do I change the font size in my legend?

4.046 views (last 30 days)
How do I change the font size of the labels in my legend? For example, how do I make the font size of the ‘One’, ‘Two’, ‘Three’, ‘Four’ labels bigger in my plot?

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 2 Sep 2020
You can change the font size for a MATLAB legend by setting the 'FontSize' property of the Legend object.
For example, plot four lines. Create a legend and assign the Legend object to the variable 'lgd'. Then, use dot notation to access the 'FontSize' property and set the value to 14 points.
lgd = legend('One','Two','Three','Four');
lgd.FontSize = 14;
Alternatively, you can specify the 'FontSize' property using a name-value pair argument in the 'legend' command. When including name-value pair arguments, include the legend labels in a cell array. For example:
Jordan Fliss
Jordan Fliss on 4 Dec 2020
This problem sounds like the one I am experiencing now. After I changed the setting I saved the figure as a .fig, closed the figure window, then loaded the figure again (by simply double clicking it). After the figure reloaded my legend font changes were implemented.

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More Answers (3)

Mukesh Jadhav
Mukesh Jadhav on 9 Oct 2016
Here you go :
h = legend('x','y','z');
Jamil Khan
Jamil Khan on 26 Oct 2020
this works aswell, you dont have set the legend as an object

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odo22 on 1 Dec 2016
l = legend('1','2','3');
l.FontSize = 40;

Samson Msgna
Samson Msgna on 23 Mar 2018
How can we solve Error using CreateDatabase (line 22) Not enough input arguments.
Error using EigenfaceCore (line 20) Not enough input arguments.
1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 26 Mar 2018
You need to pass the path of the directory containing the data to EigenfaceCore . See the example.m file for example.

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