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Matlab Icon for Linux (with Transparency)

versión (38.3 KB) por Georg Stillfried
A nice icon to use as Matlab start button in Linux.

23,3K descargas

Actualizada21 May 2014

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There comes a Matlab logo in different sizes with Matlab. It can be found in the "${MATLABROOT}/X11/icons/" directory. However, I didn't like those much, therefore I created a new one.
The image was created by using the "logo" command in Matlab and saving the image. I used Gimp to crop the image, resize it and to set the transparent areas.

Citar como

Georg Stillfried (2022).Matlab Icon for Linux (with Transparency)(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperado.

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2012a
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux
EtiquetasAñadir etiquetas

Inspirado por:export_fig

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