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Philips Hue Lamp Controller

versión (3.31 MB) por Image Analyst
Program to control Philips Hue lamp.

211 descargas

Actualizada1 Jul 2017

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This program that will let you send any color to your Philips Hue lamp. Plus it will let you browse to a folder with music files and it will let you change the color of the lamp in time with the music as it plays. I've also measured the spectrum of the lamp with my Ocean Optics spectrometer, and an accurate spectrum of the emitted light is displayed as the light color changes. Uses JSON to communicate with the lamp. Seehttp://www2.meethue.comfor info on the Hue device.

Citar como

Image Analyst (2022).Philips Hue Lamp Controller(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperado.

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2017a
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux

Inspirado por:export_fig,urlread2

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