.matlab folder in Linux

19 views (last 30 days)
Curtis on 1 Aug 2019
Edited: Stephen23 on 4 Feb 2020
I am running R2019a on Linux and have noticed that there is a .matlab folder in my home directory. It is taking up 1.7G of data and I am only allowed 2.0G in my home folder. It seems it might have some settings related files and maybe some Cache files. See the directory listing below.
Is it safe to delete this directory? If I can't delete it without affecting functionality or performance, can I move the location of it? Given that this location is at max capacity, could this be effecting the performance of my MATLAB sessions?
Directory listing:
Stephen23 on 3 Feb 2020
Judging by its contents, the folder is where MATLAB stores preference files:
As long as you don't mind losing all of your history, layout, etc., then you can delete this folder and MATLAB will recreate it (most likely smaller). You might find this useful:

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