defining a stuct variable

3 views (last 30 days)
Bashir Mohammad Sabquat Bahar Talukder
Answered: Steven Lord on 13 Nov 2019
Consider the following definition of a stucture variable-
>> spcase = struct('enable',true,'vendors',{'IDT'},'trainOp',{'RTNV','RTLV','RTHV'},'testOp',{'RTNV','RTLV','RTHV'},'fnum', 1:8);
>> spcase
spcase =
1×3 structarray with fields:
Now, I am defining the same sturcture variable as folows-
>> spcase = struct('enable',true,'fnum', 1:8);
spcase.vendors = {'IDT'};
spcase.trainOp = {'RTNV','RTLV','RTHV'};
spcase.testOp = {'RTNV','RTLV','RTHV'};
>> spcase
spcase =
enable: 1
fnum: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]
vendors: {'IDT'}
trainOp: {'RTNV''RTLV''RTHV'}
Could anyone clarify me, why I am observing this mismatch?

Answers (1)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 13 Nov 2019
the documentation 为了 struct function, when you have multiple fields being created in the same struct call:
"If any of the 价值 inputs is a nonscalar cell array, then s has the same dimensions as that cell array. Also, if two or more 价值 inputs are nonscalar cell arrays, then they all must have the same dimensions.
For any 价值 that is a scalar cell array or an array of any other data type, struct 插入的内容 价值 in the relevant field for all elements of s . For example, s = struct('x',{'a','b'},'y','c') returns s(1).x = 'a' , s(2).x = 'b' , s(1).y = 'c' , and s(2).y ='c' ."
In your first example,
>> spcase = struct('enable',true,...% array of any other data type
'trainOp',{'RTNV','RTLV','RTHV'},...% nonscalar cell array
'testOp',{'RTNV','RTLV','RTHV'},...% nonscalar cell array
'fnum', 1:8);% array of any other data type
两个非大规模单元阵列都有相同的尺寸,因此 struct that is created has that same dimension and each of the other fields have the same value in each element of the struct array.
In your second example,
you create a scalar struct array then assign values to its fields. That post-creation assignment does not behave the same way (turning it into a nonscalar struct array) as creating it as a nonscalar struct in the first place.
If you want your first example to behave like your second, wrap the nonscalar cell arrays inside a scalar cell array.
>> spcase = struct('enable',true,...% array of any other data type
'fnum', 1:8);% array of any other data type


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