the cyclist

1 – 50 of 379

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoProblem 164. Right and wrong

@Nikolaos [5 5 5] can make a triangle, but not a *right* triangle (with one 90-degree angle). See the Wikipedia page definition.

on 16 Nov 2017

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoSolution 703651

No, the trick is actually fairly poor coding practice

on 18 Oct 2016

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoSolution 994062


on 5 Oct 2016

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoSolution 923890

It's difficult to give much of a hint without giving away the answer. The key is that your function needs to be able to accept ANY input.

on 16 Jul 2016

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoSolution 903585

Changed test suite to deny this "solution"

on 14 Jun 2016

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoSolution 66738

Changed test suite to deny this "solution"

on 14 Jun 2016

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoSolution 14129

Changed test suite to deny this "solution"

on 14 Jun 2016

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoSolution 703651

There is a nifty trick for reducing what seems like the shortest possible solution. I don't really want to just state the trick, as it is fun to learn or discover on your own. If you can't figure it out, I suggest that you submit a simple problem to Cody, and look at the solutions. (They will all be viewable to you, as the problem submitter.) Someone will use the trick, almost certainly.

on 21 Jul 2015

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoSolution 563857

Although MATLAB does create a 2x2 matrix as an output from magic(2), that output is not a magic square.

on 27 Jan 2015

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoProblem 149. Is my wife right?

Sneha, do you really want to tell your wife to get 'out'?

on 31 Oct 2014

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoSolution 489566

Glad you claimed the lead!


the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoSolution 480291

I added another test to the suite that invalidated this cheesy solution.

on 30 Jul 2014

the cyclistreceived速度之魔badge forSolution 10200

on 30 Jul 2014

the cyclistreceived速度之魔badge forSolution 10200

on 30 Jul 2014

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoSolution 406838

New test suite invalidates this solution.

on 20 Feb 2014

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoProblem 2202. Flip the bit

Added this check. (I messed it up a bit the first time I tried to do it, so sorry for some interim weirdness.)

on 20 Feb 2014

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoProblem 320. Maintain shape of logical-index mask

Good suggestion. I've added a couple more tests to the suite, including one that has three columns in the logical mask.

on 13 Feb 2014

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoSolution 363762


on 4 Dec 2013

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoProblem 160. So many choices

@Sumit, you are probably using a function from a toolbox (e.g. statistics toolbox) that is not available to Cody.

on 11 Sep 2013

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoSolution 203610

I added a test case to nullify this "solution".

on 25 May 2013

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoSolution 214423

This solution only tests for divisibility by 9, not whether the number is a Kaprekar number.

on 9 Mar 2013

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoSolution 27245

Added to test suite to eliminate this "solution".

on 9 Mar 2013

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoProblem 151. Magic!

The MATLAB command magic(2), although it does produce output, is not a magic square, according to the definition. (There is no 2x2 magic square.)

on 8 Mar 2013

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoProblem 151. Magic!

I was not notified about some of the older comments, so was unaware of some of the weaknesses of the test suite, and the "gamed" solutions. I have substantially improved the test suite.

on 8 Mar 2013

the cyclistsubmitted aCommenttoProblem 162. High school cafeteria

I somehow Alfonso's older comment until I saw Tom's newer one. Alfonso: I've added a non-sorted test sample, and had the problem rescored. Tom: 1 is neither prime nor composite. I've added instructions on how to handle that.

on 27 Feb 2013

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