
Macroscopic muscle model for Simulink


Updated18 Jun 2020

From GitHub


Open-Source macroscopic (Hill-type) muscle model for forward-dynamic simulations in biophyiscs and biomechanics. This model is the further development of a model published in
D.F.B. Haeufle, M. Günther, A. Bayer, S. Schmitt, Hill-type muscle model with serial damping and eccentric force–velocity relation, Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 47, Issue 6, 11 April 2014, Pages 1531-1536, ISSN 0021-9290,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiomech.2014.02.009.
Hill-type muscle models are commonly used in biomechanical simulations to predict passive and active muscle forces. Here, a model is presented which consists of four elements: a contractile element with force–length and force–velocity relations for concentric and eccentric contractions, a parallel elastic element, a series elastic element, and a serial damping element. With this, it combines previously published effects relevant for muscular contraction, i.e. serial damping and eccentric force–velocity relation. The model is exemplarily applied to arm movements. The more realistic representation of the eccentric force–velocity relation results in human-like elbow-joint flexion. The model is provided as ready to use Matlab ® and Simulink ® code.

Keywords: Muscle; Model; Serial damping; Eccentric contraction; Force–velocity relation; Multi-body simulation

Cite As

Daniel Haeufle (2023).daniel-haeufle/macroscopic-muscle-model(https://github.com/daniel-haeufle/macroscopic-muscle-model), GitHub. Retrieved.

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