
Thescatstat2function returns statistical values of all points within a given radius of each value. This is similar to taking a moving mean, but points do not need to be equally spaced.

See alsoscatstat1.

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zbar = scatstat2(x,y,z,radius) zbar = scatstat2(x,y,z,radius,fun) ybar = scatstat1(...,options)


zbar = scatstat2(x,y,z,radius)returns the mean of allzvalues within specified radius at each point (x,y).

zbar = scatstat2(x,y,z,radius,fun)applies any function fun tozvalues, defaultfunis@mean, but it could be anything you want, even your own anonymous function.

zbar = scatstat2(...,options)allows any options that the function accepts. For example, 'omitnan'.

Example: Local median

Consider this noisy data set of 5000 scattered points:

N = 5000; x = randi(750,N,1); y = randi(750,N,1);% z contains *real* structure, plus lots of noise:z = sind(x) + cosd(y) + 3*randn(size(x)); scatter(x,y,10,z,'filled') axisimagetitle'noisy scattered 2D data'

It almost looks like there's nothing there but noise. Filter out the high-frequency noise by taking the local median within a 75 unit radius:

z_median = scatstat2(x,y,z,75,@median); scatter(x,y,10,z_median,'filled') axisimagetitle'local median'

Author info:

This function was written byChad A. Greeneof the University of Texas at Austin's Institute for Geophysics (UTIG), June 2016.