Banca Carige Integrates a MATLAB Based Valuation Library with Its Enterprise Pricing and Risk Platform


用更透明,可定制的替代方案替换Black-Box Microsoft Excel加载项,以定价金融工具


Use MATLAB to develop sophisticated pricing models and deploy them as a .NET component that can be integrated with the bank’s structured products platform


  • 部署了透明,灵活的定价模型
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  • 与现有系统的集成

“We consider MATLAB to be the best choice for mathematical modeling and numerical computation. MATLAB gives us the unmatched flexibility to embed our algorithms in automated finance systems as add-ins for Excel or components in a .NET framework.”

Paolo Raviola, Banca Carige
Banca Carige corporate headquarters in Genoa.

Gruppo Banca Carige是意大利最大的银行之一,拥有1100多个分支机构和200万客户。除母公司Banca Carige外,该集团还包括其他五家银行,两家保险公司和一家资产管理公司。在Banca Carige中,金融管理团队负责估值和风险分析,包括在银行自己的投资组合及其客户的投资组合中定价工具和衍生产品。

A renewed focus on transparency in the financial services industry led this team to replace a proprietary solution for pricing instruments with a library, called MatFin, developed in-house using MATLAB®

“Moving to MATLAB gave us the freedom to develop and improve our own algorithms and compare their results with industry benchmarks,” says Paolo Raviola, project manager, Banca Carige. “From our MATLAB code we compiled a .NET component that we integrated with our enterprise structured products platform, enabling us to automate processes and reduce manual steps.”


以前,Banca Carige使用第三方加载项用于Microsoft®Excel®to price derivatives, bonds, and other complex instruments. This add-in required the team to perform numerous steps manually in a time-consuming,
error-prone process. In addition, it was inflexible and could not be modified. “No third-party supplier can provide a solution that meets the specific needs of every bank,” says Raviola. “If we requested a change or a new feature, we had no way of knowing when or even if it would be implemented, or at what cost.”

The team wanted to use in-house expertise to develop their own pricing libraries. Once they had tested the libraries, the team needed to integrate them with the Misys Kondor Structured Pricing (KSP) system, which was used throughout the bank. “The natural solution was to extend Misys KSP with pricing models that we developed ourselves, but to achieve that integration we needed a way to create .NET components,” says Simone Ligato, senior financial analyst at Banca Carige.


Banca Carige used MATLAB to build and deploy pricing models for a wide range of financial instruments, including interest rate swaps, interest rate options, equity and index baskets, and inflation linked options.

Using MATLAB, Financial Toolbox™, and Financial Instruments Toolbox™ the team developed their MatFin libraries by applying a variety of methods and financial models, including Black-Scholes, Monte Carlo, and Cox-Ross-Rubinstein.

使用财务工具箱进行日期转换和现金流量分析。这些库包括使用金融仪器工具箱功能从一组零曲线流动的算法。该团队还开发了MATLAB算法,以根据彭博社®specification for discount factors.


他们使用MATLAB Compiler™,将其MATLAB算法打包为Microsoft Excel加载项,以帮助验证其新库和原型。

最后,他们使用MATLAB编译器SDK™将其算法部署为.NET组件,并将其与Misys KSP集成在一起。

The MATLAB pricing libraries are in production at Banca Carige, and the team is currently developing additional libraries for other derivatives products.


  • 部署了透明,灵活的定价模型。“由于我们已经在MATLAB中开发了自己的定价模型,因此我们确切地知道结果是如何产生的,并且可以随时进行改进。” Pier Giuseppe Giribone博士说。“我们以前的系统是一个黑匣子,需要使用编程专业知识,但不允许我们进行修改。”

  • 下载188bet金宝搏实时定价的产品,不是每周。“By integrating MATLAB models with our enterprise systems as .NET components, we have automated several processes that previously required manual steps,” says Raviola. “As a result, we can now price our products daily instead of only once a week, and we can deliver timelier results to several analysts and managers throughout the bank.”

  • 与现有系统的集成。“With MATLAB we can develop advanced algorithms and create Excel addins and .NET components, as well as Java™ classes and C++ code, from those algorithms,” says Raviola. “This unique capability makes it easy to incorporate complex financial computations into our existing banking systems.”