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Antenna Array Beam Scanning Visualization on a Map

此示例显示了如何在扫描角度扫描的天线阵列的变化模式和覆盖图。天线阵列是使用天线Toolbox™和相位阵列System Toolbox™创建的。该阵列设计为定向并在XY平面中辐射,以生成地理方位角中的最大覆盖区域。创建发射器和接收器位点并在地图上显示,并在转向天线阵列时显示图案和覆盖范围。

Design a Reflector-Backed Dipole Antenna Element

Use Antenna Toolbox to design a reflector-backed dipole antenna element. Design the element and its exciter for 10 GHz, and specify tilt to direct radiation in the xy-plane, which corresponds to the geographic azimuth.

% Design reflector-backed dipole antenna elementFQ = 10E9;%10 GHzmyelement = design(reflector,fq); myelement.Exciter = design(myelement.Exciter,fq);% Tilt antenna element to radiate in xy-plane, with boresight along x-axismyelement.Tilt = 90; myelement.TiltAxis ='y';myElement.exciter.tilt = 90;myElement.exciter.tiltaxis ='y';

Create a 7-by-7 Rectangular Antenna Array

使用分阶段数组系统工具箱从天线元件创建一个7 x-7的矩形阵列。指定正常的阵列以在X轴方向上引导辐射。

%创建7 x-7天线阵列nrow = 7; ncol = 7; myarray = phased.URA('Size',,,,[nrow ncol],'元素',mylement);%将元素间距定义为10 GHz的半波长,并指定% array plane as yz-plane, which directs radiation in x-axis directionlambda = physconst(“ Lightspeed”)/fq;drow = lambda/2;dcol = lambda/2;myArray.elementsPacing = [Drow DCOL];myArray.Arraynormal ='x';%显示辐射模式f = figure; az = -180:1:180; el = -90:1:90; pattern(myarray,fq,az,el)


使用天线阵列在华盛顿特区的华盛顿纪念碑上创建一个发射机位置。发射器频率与天线的设计频率匹配,发射机输出功率为1 W.将天线高度设置为169 m,这是纪念碑的高度。

tx = txsite('姓名',,,,“华盛顿纪念碑”,,,,...'Latitude',38.88949,...'经度',-77.03523,...'天线',myarray,...'AntennaHeight',169',...'TransmitterFrequency',,,,fq,...“发射机功率”,,,,1);

Show Transmitter Site on a Map


if伊斯瓦利德(f)关闭(f)结尾viewer = siteviewer; show(tx)


可视化天线的方向展g the radiation pattern in Site Viewer.


Select the site marker to view the color legend of the pattern.



% Define names for receiver sitesrxNames = {...“布伦特伍德汉密尔顿领域”,,,,...“国民公园”,,,,...'Union Station',,,,...“乔治敦大学”,,,,...'Arlington Cemetery'};% Define coordinates for receiver sitesrxLocations = [...38.9080 -76.9958;...38.8731 -77.0075;...38.8976 -77.0062;...38.9076 -77.0722;...38.8783 -77.0685];% Create array of receiver sites. Each receiver has a sensitivity of -75 dBm.rxs = rxsite('姓名',,,,rxNames,...'Latitude',,,,rxLocations(:,1),...'经度',,,,rxLocations(:,2),...'ReceiverSensitivity',-75);




viewer.basemap =“街道”;

Scan the Array and Update the Radiation Pattern

Scan the antenna beam by applying a taper for a range of angles. For each angle, update the radiation pattern in Site Viewer. This approach of scanning the beam produces different patterns than physically rotating the antenna, as could be achieved by settingAntennaAngleof the transmitter site. This step is used to validate the orientation of the antenna's main beam.

% Get the starting array taperstartTaper = myarray.Taper;% Define angles over which to perform sweepazsweep = -30:10:30;% Set up tapering window and steering vectorn = nrow*ncol;nbar = 5;sll = -20;sltaper = taylorwin(n,nbar,sll)';SteeringVector = phased.SteeringVector(“感觉运动”,MyArray);%横扫角度并显示每个角度的天线图案为了az = azsweepsv = steeringVector(fq,[az; 0]); myarray.Taper = sltaper.*sv';%更新辐射模式。使用更大的尺寸,因此在天线位点可以看到该图案。pattern(tx,'Size',,,,2500,'Transparency',,,,1);结尾

Display Transmitter Coverage Map



%将锥度重置为起始锥度myarray.Taper = startTaper;% Define signal strength levels (dBm) and corresponding colorsstrongsignal = -65;媒体信号= -70;弱标记= -75;sigstrengths = [strongsignal介质信号弱标记];sigcolors = {'红色的''黄色的''green'};%显示TX模式pattern(tx,'Size',500)% Display coverage map out to 6 kmmaxrange = 6000;覆盖范围(TX,...'SignalStrengths',,,,sigstrengths,...'Colors',,,,sigcolors,...'MaxRange',,,,maxRange)


Scan the Array and Update the Coverage Display

Scan the antenna beam by applying a taper for a range of angles. For each angle, update the coverage map. This method of beamscanning is the same method used above. The final map includes two receiver sites of interest within the coverage region.

% Repeat the sweep but show the pattern and coverage map为了az = azsweep% Calculate and assign taper from steering vectorsv = steeringVector(fq,[az; 0]); myarray.Taper = sltaper.*sv';% Update the tx patternpattern(tx,'Size',500)% Update coverage map覆盖范围(TX,...'SignalStrengths',,,,sigstrengths,...'Colors',,,,sigcolors,...'MaxRange',,,,maxRange)结尾




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