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Plot receiver operating characteristic



plotroc(targets,outputs)plots the receiver operating characteristic for each output class. The more each curve hugs the left and top edges of the plot, the better the classification.

plotroc(targets1,outputs2,'name1',...)generates multiple plots.


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This example shows how to plot the receiver operating characteristic for each output class in a pattern network.

loadsimplecluster_datasetnet = patternnet(20); net = train(net,simpleclusterInputs,simpleclusterTargets); simpleclusterOutputs = sim(net,simpleclusterInputs); plotroc(simpleclusterTargets,simpleclusterOutputs)

Figure Receiver Operating Characteristic (plotroc) contains an axes object. The axes object with title ROC contains 8 objects of type line. These objects represent Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Network targets, specified as a matrix or cell array.

Network outputs, specified as a matrix or cell array.

See Also

Introduced in R2008a