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Trajectory and Scenario Generation

Ground-truth waypoint- and rate-based trajectories and scenarios

Generate ground-truth trajectories to drive sensor models using thekinematicTrajectory,waypointTrajectory, andgeoTrajectorySystem objects. Simulate tracking of multiple platforms in a 3-D arena usingtrackingScenario. Design tracking scenarios, configure platforms and sensors, and generate synthetic object detections using the跟踪方案设计师应用程序。


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kinematicTrajectory Rate-driven trajectory generator
waypointTrajectory Waypoint trajectory generator
geoTrajectory Waypoint trajectory in geodetic coordinates
trackingScenario Create tracking scenario
trackingScenarioRecording Tracking scenario recording
Platform 属于跟踪方案的平台对象
monteCarloRun Monte Carlo realization of tracking scenario
emissionsInBody Transform emissions to body frame of platform


跟踪方案设计师 Design tracking scenarios, configure platforms and sensors, and generate synthetic object detections


Tracking Scenario Reader Read tracking scenario and generate simulation data


Tracking Simulation Overview

You can build a complete tracking simulation using the functions and objects supplied in this toolbox.

Creating a Tracking Scenario


Model Platform Motion Using Trajectory Objects

This topic introduces how to use three different trajectory objects to model platform trajectories, and how to choose between them.

Featured Examples