

段使用深度学习和g点云数据eometric algorithms

语义分割将3-D点云中的每个点与类标签相关联,例如,truck,地面, or植被。LIDAR Toolbox™提供深度学习算法,以对点云数据执行语义分割。使用PointSeg,Squeezesegv2和PointNet ++卷积神经网络(CNN)来开发语义分割模型。

You can segment ground in point cloud data using thesegmentGroundSMRFfunction. It is used in theTerrain Classification for Aerial Lidar Dataworkflow, which segments ground, vegetation and buildings in aerial point clouds.


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segmentGroundSMRF Segment ground from lidar data using a Simple morphological filter (SMRF) algorithm
segmentLidarData Segment organized 3-D range data into clusters
segmentGroundFromLidarData Segment ground points from organized lidar data
PCSEGDIST Segment point cloud into clusters based on Euclidean distance


结合 Combine data from multiple datastores
CounteachLabel Count occurrence of pixel or box labels
地面 Ground truth label data
成像 Datastore for image data
Pixellabeldatastore Datastore for pixel label data

Augment and Preprocess Training Data

转换 Transform datastore


Squeezesegv2layers Create SqueezeSegV2 segmentation network for organized lidar point cloud
semanticseg 使用深度学习的语义图像细分
pointnetplusLayers Create PointNet++ segmentation network

Visualize Results

labeloverlay Overlay label matrix regions on 2-D image

Evaluate Results

evaluateSemanticSegmentation Evaluate semantic segmentation data set against ground truth
segmentationConfusionMatrix 多级像素级图像分割的混淆矩阵



Understand how to use point clouds for deep learning.

Getting started with PointNet++

Define PointNet++ network and learn how to perform semantic segmentation using the same.

Datastores for Deep Learning(Deep Learning Toolbox)


List of Deep Learning Layers(Deep Learning Toolbox)

Discover all the deep learning layers in MATLAB®

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