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Get list of installed add-ons



addons= matlab.addons.installedAddonsreturns a list of currently installed add-ons.


collapse all

Suppose that you have an add-on calledRandom File Name Creatorand versions2.0and4.0of an add-on calledMy Toolbox安装在您的系统上。段的列表d add-ons.

addons = matlab.addons.installedAddons
addons = 1×4 table Name Version Enabled Identifier ___________________________ _________ _______ ______________________________________ "Random File Name Creator" "1.0" true "75442144-f751-4011-bf0e-32b6fb2f1433" "My Toolbox_v4.0" "4.0" true "6de8682e-9c3c-407e-bad7-aa103d738d08" "My Toolbox" "2.0" false "6de8682e-9c3c-407e-bad7-aa103d738d08"

Output Arguments

collapse all

Installed add-ons information, returned as a table with one row for each add-on. The table has these columns.

Field Description Type
Name Name of the add-on String scalar
Version Version of the add-on String scalar
Enabled Whether the add-on is enabled Logical
Identifier Unique identifier of the add-on String Scalar

Version History

Introduced in R2017b