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2-D Autocorrelation

2-D autocorrelation of input matrix

  • Library:
  • Computer Vision Toolbox / Statistics

  • 2-D Autocorrelation block


The2-D Autocorrelationblock computes the 2-D autocorrelation of the input vector or matrix.



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Input array, specified as a vector or matrix.

Data Types:single|double|int8|int16|int32|uint8|uint16|uint32|fixed point
Complex Number Support:Yes


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Autocorrelation of the input array, returned as a vector or matrix. The data type of the output is the same as that of the input.

Data Types:single|double|int8|int16|int32|uint8|uint16|uint32|fixed point
Complex Number Support:Yes


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For details on fixed-point block parameters, seeSpecify Fixed-Point Attributes for Blocks.

Select this parameter to prevent the fixed-point tools from overriding the data types you specify in this block. For more information, seeLock the Output Data Type Setting(Fixed-Point Designer).

Block Characteristics

Data Types

double|fixed point|integer|single

Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals



If the inputAis a vector with dimensionM-by-1 then the equation for 1-D discrete autocorrelation is:

C ( n ) = m = 0 M 1 A ( m ) A ( m + n )

where 0 n 2 M 1 .

The output is an autocorrelation vector of size ( 2 M 1 , 1 ) .

If the inputAis a matrix with dimensionM-by-Nthen the equation for the 2-D discrete autocorrelation is:

C ( i , j ) = m = 0 ( M 1 ) n = 0 ( N 1 ) A ( m , n ) c o n j ( A ( m + i , n + j ) )

where 0 i < 2 M 1 and 0 j < 2 N 1 .

The dimension of the output autocorrelation matrix is ( 2 M 1 , 2 N 1 ) .

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a