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Structure from Motion

3-D reconstruction from multiple views

Structure from Motion (SfM) is the process of estimating the 3-D structure of a scene from a set of 2-D images. For more details, seeImplement Visual SLAM in MATLAB.


Camera Calibrator Estimate geometric parameters of a single camera
Stereo Camera Calibrator Estimate geometric parameters of a stereo camera


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detectBRISKFeatures Detect BRISK features and returnBRISKPointsobject
detectFASTFeatures Detect corners using FAST algorithm and returncornerPointsobject
detectHarrisFeatures Detect corners using Harris–Stephens algorithm and returncornerPointsobject
detectMinEigenFeatures Detect corners using minimum eigenvalue algorithm and returncornerPointsobject
detectMSERFeatures Detect MSER features and returnMSERRegionsobject
detectSIFTFeatures Detect scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) features and returnSIFTPointsobject
detectSURFFeatures Detect SURF features and returnSURFPointsobject
extractFeatures Extract interest point descriptors
matchFeatures Find matching features
matchFeaturesInRadius Find matching features within specified radius
vision.PointTracker Track points in video using Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi (KLT) algorithm

Store Image and Camera Data

imageviewset Manage data for structure-from-motion, visual odometry, and visual SLAM
worldpointset Manage 3-D to 2-D point correspondences
cameraIntrinsics Object for storing intrinsic camera parameters
rigid3d 3-D rigid geometric transformation
affine3d 3-D affine geometric transformation

Estimate Camera Poses

estimateEssentialMatrix Estimate essential matrix from corresponding points in a pair of images
estimateFundamentalMatrix Estimate fundamental matrix from corresponding points in stereo images
estimateWorldCameraPose Estimate camera pose from 3-D to 2-D point correspondences
relativeCameraPose Compute relative rotation and translation between camera poses

Triangulate Image Points

pointTrack Object for storing matching points from multiple views
findTracks Find matched points across multiple views
triangulate 3-D locations of undistorted matching points in stereo images
triangulateMultiview 3-D locations of world points matched across multiple images

Optimize Camera Poses and 3-D Points

bundleAdjustment Adjust collection of 3-D points and camera poses
bundleAdjustmentMotion Adjust collection of 3-D points and camera poses using motion-only bundle adjustment
bundleAdjustmentStructure Refine 3-D points using structure-only bundle adjustment
stereoAnaglyph Create red-cyan anaglyph from stereo pair of images
pcshow Plot 3-D point cloud
plotCamera Plot a camera in 3-D coordinates
showMatchedFeatures 显示对应的特征点
rotationMatrixToVector Convert 3-D rotation matrix to rotation vector
rotationVectorToMatrix Convert 3-D rotation vector to rotation matrix


Apps for Camera Calibration

Visual Odometry
