
Design, analyze, and test lidar processing systems

LIDAR Toolbox™提供用于设计,分析和测试LIDAR处理系统的算法,功能和应用。您可以执行对象检测和跟踪,语义分割,形状配件,激光雷达登记和障碍物检测。LIDAR Toolbox支金宝app持Lidar-Camera Cross校准,用于组合计算机视觉和LIDAR加工的工作流程。

您可以使用深度学习和机器学习算法培训定制检测和语义分割模型,例如PoinseG,Pointpillars和SqueezeSegv2。LIDAR Labeler App支持Lid金宝appar Point云的手动和半自动标记,用于培训深度学习和机器学习模型。该工具箱可让您从Velodyne流中流®lidars and read data recorded by Velodyne and IBEO lidar sensors.

LIDAR工具箱提供了参考示例,说明了LIDAR处理对感知和导航工作流的使用。大多数工具箱算法支持C / C ++代码生成,用金宝app于与现有代码,桌面原型设计和部署集成。

Get Started:

Deep Learning for Lidar

Apply deep learning algorithms for object detection and semantic segmentation on lidar data.

Lidar Semantic Segmentation


Semantic segmentation using SqueezeSegV2.

Object Detection on Lidar Point Clouds


Lidar Labeling

Apply built-in or custom algorithms to automate lidar point cloud labeling with the Lidar Labeler App, and evaluate automation algorithm performance.

Lidar Labeler App.


Cross-calibrate lidar and camera sensors to estimate lidar-camera transforms for fusing camera and lidar data.


Estimate the rigid transformation matrix between a lidar and a camera using the checkerboard calibration method.

Lidar-Camera Integration

Fuse lidar and camera data to project lidar points on images, fuse color information in lidar point clouds, and estimate 3D bounding boxes in lidar using 2D bounding boxes from a co-located camera.

Bounding box transformation from image to lidar point clouds.

Lidar Data Processing


Lidar Processing Algorithms



2D Lidar Processing

Estimate positions and create occupancy maps using 2D lidar scans.

2D LIDAR Slam.

Implement Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithms from 2D lidar scans. Estimate positions and create binary or probabilistic occupancy grids using real or simulated sensor readings.


Read and write lidar point cloud data and stream live data from sensors.

Velodyne LiDar传感器采集

Acquire live lidar point clouds from Velodyne Lidar sensors, visualize them in MATLAB, and develop lidar sensing applications.

Getting started with lidar acquisition in MATLAB.


Read lidar data in different file formats, including PCAP, LAS, ibeo, PCD, and PLY. Write lidar data to PLY and PCD files.

Reading lidar point cloud data in LAS format.

Feature Extraction and Registration

Register lidar point clouds and build 3D maps using Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM).



Extracting and matching features from lidar point clouds.


Implement 3D SLAM algorithms by stitching together lidar point cloud sequences from ground and aerial lidar data.

Map building from a lidar point cloud sequence.