MATLAB and Simulink Based Books

MATLAB for Brain and Cognitive Scientists

MATLAB for Brain and Cognitive Scientiststeaches brain scientists how to program in MATLAB, with a focus on applications most commonly used in neuroscience and psychology. It takes readers from beginning to intermediate and advanced levels of MATLAB programming, helping them gain real expertise in applications that they will use in their work.

The book offers a mix of instructive text and rigorous explanations of MATLAB code along with programming tips and tricks. The goal is to teach readers how to program data analyses in neuroscience and psychology. Readers will learn best practices as well as how not to program, with examples of bad code that they are invited to correct or improve. Chapters end with exercises that test and develop the skills taught in each chapter. Interviews with neuroscientists and cognitive scientists who have made significant contributions their field using MATLAB appear throughout the book. In addition, a supplemental set ofMATLABcode files is available for download.

About This Book

Mike X Cohen,Radboud University

The MIT Press, 2017

ISBN: 978-0-262-03582-8
Language: English

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