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Mathworks的Cleve Moler

小径摄像机由动物运动自动触发。它们被世界各地的生态学家和野生动物经理用于研究野生动物行为,并帮助保护濒危物种。我想看看matlab®image processing and deep learning can be used to identify individual animal species that visit trail cameras. We are going to start with off-the-shelf functionality—nothing specialized for this particular task.

My partners on this project are Heather Gorr and Jim Sanderson. Heather is a machine learning expert at MathWorks. Jim was one of my Ph.D. students at the University of New Mexico. He spent several years at Los Alamos National Laboratory writing Fortran programs for supercomputers. But an interest in nature photography evolved into a desire to switch to a career in ecology. He is now the world’s leading authority on small wild cats. He is also the proprietor of CameraSweet, a software package used by investigators around the world to classify and analyze their trail camera data.



Figure 1. The five data site locations.

Figure 1. The five data site locations.

大多数数据来自塞维利亚NWR,在新墨西哥州奇瓦华沙漠中的23万英亩的保护区。另一个网站,也是在新墨西哥州,是Armendaris牧场,泰德特纳拥有35万英亩的私人土地,亿万富翁的CNN成立者和女演员Jane Fonda的丈夫。

这re is a lot of data—almost 5 million images in total. Sevilleta and three other NWRs contributed almost 4 million images that have already been classified by human experts, while the Armendaris ranch and the Laguna Atascosa NWR in Texas contributed an additional million images that have not yet been classified.


要阅读鱼类和野生动物服务数据,我们的MATLAB程序会创建一个字符串数组FWS., of length 3,979,549, containing the path names of all the images in the data set. For example:

k = 2680816;示例= FWS(k)示例=“D:SNWR \ Pino South(28)\ Bear \ 02 \ 2012 06 10 14 06 20.jpg”

FWS.entry for this example tells us that the data lives on a hard drive attached to my driveD:它来自地点Snwr,或塞维利亚NWR。相机是28号,位于Pino South。人类专家已将此数据保存到两只熊的摄像头文件夹中。

I searched through many two-bear images, looking for a cute one, and found the one shown in Figure 2. The name of the JPG image is a time stamp for June 10, 2012, 14:06:20 hours. The command






Researchers using CameraSweet have some flexibility in the way they name species. “Mountain Lion” and “Puma” are the same animal. There are several different spellings of “Raccoon.” We have unified the names into 40 that we call standard. The names are shown in the column headed “species” below.


images percent species 1282762 32.23 Mule Deer 690131 17.34 Pronghorn 407240 10.23 Elk 264375 6.64 Bird 191954 4.82 Dove 184218 4.63 Ghost 173476 4.36 Oryx 120377 3.02 Raven 105931 2.66 Coyote 105718 2.66 Vulture 67643 1.70 Cow 45308 1.14 Human 40060 1.01 Fox 32849 0.83 Horse 31579 0.79 Cottontail 314390.79大角羊23818 0.60千斤顶0.51鹿18160 0.46哈格纳16286 0.41熊熊14898 0.37熊熊队14191 0.36熊熊队12617 0.32鹰头9882 0.32鹰头9882 0.21鹰头8342 0.21鹰7405 0.19几个6864 0.17 PUMA 6023 0.15未知4516 0.11车辆3863 0.10浣熊3427 0.09Roadrunner 2656 0.07猫头鹰2608 0.07蛇2164 0.05犰狳2029 0.05国内1985 0.05啮齿动物1909 0.05臭鼬1659 0.04獾1402 0.04巴氏羊



Figure 3. Word cloud showing relative distribution of species.

Figure 3. Word cloud showing relative distribution of species.





Javelina在中美洲和南美洲和北美的西南部。它们类似于野猪,但是一种独特的物种。Pronghorn和Coyotes在大多数地点都很常见。尼尔加在印度普遍存在,印度教徒将它们视为神圣。他们被引入20世纪20年代的德克萨斯州。他们在我们的网站中发现的唯一地方是Laguna Atascosa NWR。


图5. TOP:两个灰度红外图像。底部:oryx的两个全彩图像。

Figure 5. Top: two grayscale infrared images. Bottom: two full-color images of an oryx.




图6.非浪费活动活动触发的图像。Top: A human (left) and a “ghost” (right). Bottom: “unidentified” images.



Inception-V3是广泛用于图像处理的卷积神经网络(CNN)。我们将使用从ImageNet数据库中使用超过一百万个图像的网络版本。Inception-V3是现成的图像CNN。它专门用于跟踪摄像机。我们选择从我们的40种中的每一个中的每一种随机样本为1400,并指定70%(980)作为训练图像和30%(420)作为验证图像。我们让训练在Linux上过夜®机器用GPU(Xeon®E5-1650v4处理器,3.5 GHz,6个HT核,64 GB RAM和12 GB NVIDIA®泰坦XP GPU)。


accuracy = sum(diag(A))/sum(A,'all') = 0.8686
Figure 7. Confusion matrix, used to check the accuracy of the classifier.

Figure 7. Confusion matrix, used to check the accuracy of the classifier.




我们现在有一个CNN训练对轨迹进行分类camera images. How does it perform at a new location with images that have never been classified? We sample every tenth image from the Armendaris ranch, a total of 18,242. The CNN classification found 39 different species.


But this result doesn’t surprise Jim Sanderson. The mountains on Armendaris are the natural habitat for the sheep. The ranch manages the bighorn sheep in the same way that it manages its buffalo herds. Hunting bighorn rams is an important source of income for the ranch.



Figure 8. Classification of previously unclassified images from the Armendaris ranch. The upper images are classified by the CNN as bighorn sheep and puma, evidently correctly.  The lower images are also classified as bighorn sheep and puma, apparently incorrectly.

Figure 8. Classification of previously unclassified images from the Armendaris ranch. The upper images are classified by the CNN as bighorn sheep and puma, evidently correctly. The lower images are also classified as bighorn sheep and puma, apparently incorrectly.


Overall, this deep learning classifier is more successful than I would have predicted. Even in its current state, it may be useful to investigators. Any further development of our CNN should focus on designing features specific to trail camera image identification.

One thing is clear—the more data the better. The 5 million images collected by the Fish and Wildlife Service were essential for training a network to this level of accuracy.


感谢Jim Sanderson,在阿尔伯克基FWS赠送哈里斯,以及希瑟Gorr,Johanna Pingel,以及MathWorks新闻和票据editorial team.

Published 2020

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