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Cessna Enhances Antiskid Technology with Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing






  • 省了数千美元和几个月的时间
  • Ramp-up time minimized
  • Intermittent control problem isolated


Alan Johnson, Cessna Aircraft Company

Citation jets from the Cessna Aircraft Company are known for their innovative technology and passenger comfort. When test pilots reported an issue with the aircraft's antiskid brake control system, Cessna engineers jumped at the chance to improve the product. The issue was intermittent, however, making it difficult to isolate and replicate.

Cessna engineers identified and addressed the issue by using MathWorks tools to develop a software model of the aircraft and run real-time hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) tests that simulated system behavior under a variety of conditions.

"HIL testing using MathWorks tools enabled us to quickly detect root causes and study improvements for future antiskid systems without using valuable flight time on actual aircraft," says Alan Johnson, lead engineer at Cessna.






Cessna使用Simulink迅速为原型的制动控制系统开发HIL测试金宝app®, Simulink Coder™, and Simulink Real-Time™.

两位塞斯纳工程师在Simulink中开发了一种原型的模型。金宝app该模型集成了升降机,拖动,发动机推力和尾随连杆主着陆齿轮。它还包括模拟跑道条件的参数 - 包括水,雪或冰砖和凹槽跑道的冰 - 以及不同的制动磨损条件。然后,工程师使用Simulink编码器从Simu金宝applink模型自动生成ANSI C代码。


使用此测试环境,工程师在不同条件下模拟数百次着陆,直到它们可以始终如一地复制症状。在仿真期间,团队以2000 Hz的采样率收集了20个不同参数的数据。通过每个实时测试持续超过20秒,每次运行都会生成超过千兆字节的数据。

塞斯纳用matlab.®to analyze the test data, plot various signal relationships, and ultimately, to identify the cause of the brake control issue: a dead band in the brake controller.

After finding the dead band, the team developed a design that addressed the issue using additional parameters available from the aircraft controls and systems, and both the test pilots and the engineers were pleased with the new performance. Being able to find intermittent issues quickly and cheaply gives Cessna a competitive edge in a market that demands perfection.



  • 省了数千美元和几个月的时间。“如果我们不得不仪器飞机和行为the hundreds of landings we needed, it would have cost thousands of dollars and taken three or four times as long," says Johnson. "With MathWorks tools we could run four simulations in 15 minutes, and it cost us nothing. Four landings in a real jet would take an hour and cost between $5,000 and $10,000."

  • Ramp-up time minimized。"With MathWorks tools, two engineers working part time and starting from scratch assembled the entire HIL project in three months—about the same time it would have taken us just to acquire a proprietary aircraft simulation system," says Johnson. "Our model ran on Simulink Real-Time the very first time we turned it on. MathWorks tools are so easy to work with, it was like plug and play."

  • Intermittent control problem isolated。“间歇性问题真的很难追踪,”约翰逊说。“通过在实验室中使用Mathworks工具,我们保留了模拟着陆,直到我们发现它 - 然后我们每次都可以复制它。我们会尝试,从Simulink实时下载数据,将其绘图金宝app,在两分钟内运行下一个模拟。“


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