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Internet of Things (IoT) Data

Read from and write to ThingSpeak™ channels

ThingSpeak is an IoT analytics platform service that allows you to aggregate, visualize, and analyze live data streams in the cloud. You can read data from a ThingSpeak channel for analysis or visualization in MATLAB®. You can also write data to a channel from MATLAB and visualize the results on your channel.


thingSpeakRead Read data stored inThingSpeakchannel
thingSpeakWrite Write data toThingSpeakchannel


Aggregate Data in ThingSpeak Channel

Collect and process data in a ThingSpeak channel

Regularize Irregularly Sampled Data

Update timestamps of data in a ThingSpeak™ channel to remove irregularity.

Plot Data Read from ThingSpeak Channel

Read and Plot ThingSpeak Data

Read ThingSpeak Data and Predict Battery Discharge Time with Linear Fit

Read data for regression and prediction