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Scale Image to Fit Page

这个例子显示,PDF和单词报告,如何to scale a large image to fit on a page.

Import the DOM and Report API packages so you do not have to use long, fully-qualified class names.


Create and open a report.

% To create a Word report, change the output type from "pdf" to "docx".rpt = Report("myreport","pdf"); open(rpt);

Specify an image that is too large to fit on the page.

imgPath = which("landOcean.jpg");

Add a heading to the report.

heading = Heading1("Unscaled Image"); add(rpt,heading);

Add the image to the report using the DOMImageclass.

img1 = Image(imgPath); add(rpt,img1);

Add a heading to the report.

heading = Heading1("Image Scaled to Fit on a Page"); add(rpt,heading);

Use the DOMScaleToFitformat to scale the image to fit on the page and then, add the scaled image to the report.

img2 = Image(imgPath); img2.Style = [img2.Style {ScaleToFit}]; add(rpt,img2);

Close and view the report.

close(rpt); rptview(rpt);