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Descriptive Statistics

Peaks, RMS level, peak-to-peak amplitude, crest factor, dynamic time warping, CUSUM control chart, edit distance

Usefindpeaksto locate the local maxima of a signal and sort the peaks by height, width, or prominence. Determine the crest factor of a signal using thepeak2rms功能和计算常见的描述性统计like maxima, minima, standard deviations, and RMS levels. Search for signals of interest in larger data sets and align signals in time. Locate points where a signal changes abruptly or drifts beyond a target range. Label signals for analysis or machine and deep learning applications.


Signal Analyzer Visualize and compare multiple signals and spectra
Signal Labeler Label signal attributes, regions, and points of interest


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cummax Cumulative maximum
cummin Cumulative minimum
envelope Signal envelope
max Maximum elements of an array
mean Average or mean value of array
meanfreq Mean frequency
medfreq Median frequency
median Median value of array
min Minimum elements of an array
movmad Moving median absolute deviation
movmedian Moving median
peak2peak Maximum-to-minimum difference
peak2rms Peak-magnitude-to-RMS ratio
rms Root-mean-square level
rssq Root-sum-of-squares level
seqperiod Compute period of sequence
std Standard deviation
var Variance
alignsignals Align two signals by delaying earliest signal
cusum Detect small changes in mean using cumulative sum
dtw Distance between signals using dynamic time warping
edr Edit distance on real signals
findchangepts Find abrupt changes in signal
finddelay Estimate delay(s) between signals
findpeaks Find local maxima
findsignal Find signal location using similarity search
signalFrequencyFeatureExtractor Streamline signal frequency feature extraction
signalTimeFeatureExtractor Streamline signal time feature extraction
zerocrossrate Zero-crossing rate
labeledSignalSet Create labeled signal set
signalLabelDefinition Create signal label definition
countlabels Count number of unique labels
folders2labels Get list of labels from folder names
splitlabels Find indices to split labels according to specified proportions
signalMask Modify and convert signal masks and extract signal regions of interest
binmask2sigroi Convert binary mask to matrix of ROI limits
extendsigroi Extend signal regions of interest to left and right
extractsigroi Extract signal regions of interest
mergesigroi Merge signal regions of interest
removesigroi Remove signal regions of interest
shortensigroi Shorten signal regions of interest from left and right
sigroi2binmask Convert matrix of ROI limits to binary mask


RMS Value of Periodic Waveforms

Find the root mean square value of a sine wave, a square wave, and a rectangular pulse train.

Find Peaks in Data

Locate the local maxima in a set of data and determine if those peaks occur periodically.


Theprominenceof a peak measures how much the peak stands out due to its intrinsic height and its location relative to other peaks.

Human Activity Recognition Simulink Model for Smartphone Deployment(Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox)

Generate code from a classification Simulink®model prepared for deployment to a smartphone.

Choose an App to Label Ground Truth Data

Decide which app to use to label ground truth data:Image Labeler,Video Labeler,Ground Truth Labeler,Lidar Labeler,Signal Labeler, orAudio Labeler.

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