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Create Magnified Plot of Rectangular ROI on Same Figure

version 1.0.1 (57.1 KB) by Rishabh Datta
This function magnifies a specified rectangular area in the current figure, and plots the magnified area on the same figure.


Updated12 Feb 2021

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This function magnifies a specified rectangular area [xlm, ylm]
in the current figure,and plots the magnified area on the same figure at axis defined by
position pos

xlm = 1x2 vector specifying limits of x-axis
ylm = 1x2 vector specifying limits of y-axis
pos = 4x1 vector specifying position of new axis
lwid = linewidth of lines in magnified plot
showAxisLabels = boolean to turn axis labels on/off

Example usage:
x = 0:10; y1 = x; y2 = 3 - 0.5*x;
plot(0:10,y1,'k--','linewidth',2); hold on;
plot(0:10,y2,'ko-','linewidth',2); hold on;
axis square;
xlm = [1.5,2.5];
ylm = [1.5,2.5];
pos = [.25 .6 .25 .25]; % pos = [x0, y0, xwidth, ywidth]

magnifyPlot(xlm,ylm,pos,2,false) % call function

(c) Rishabh达塔,2021-02-12

Cite As

Rishabh Datta (2022).Create Magnified Plot of Rectangular ROI on Same Figure(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2020b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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