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No explicit final value for model arguments


Select the diagnostic action to take when the topmostModelblock that can set the value for a model argument uses a default value instead of providing an explicit value.

In the Model Data Editor, Property Inspector, or Model Explorer, the default value for a model argument displays as eitheror.

  • If theArgumentcheck box is selected, Simulink®displaysto indicate that, in the case that a model references theModelblock, the model argument value is provided by the parent.

  • If theArgumentcheck box is cleared, Simulink displaysto indicate that its value is provided by the last model to specify a value in the model hierarchy below.

At the command-line, a default value for a model argument is represented by an empty string.

The value of this configuration parameter in the top model applies to each model argument in the model hierarchy.





If the topmostModelblock uses the default value for a model argument, Simulink uses the last value specified in the model hierarchy below.


If the topmostModelblock uses the default value for a model argument, Simulink uses the last value specified in the model hierarchy below, but displays a warning that the model argument does not have an explicit final value.


If the topmostModelblock uses a default value for a model argument, Simulink displays an error message at compile time.

Command-Line Information


Recommended Settings

Application Setting
Debugging No impact
Traceability No impact
Efficiency No impact
Safety precaution error

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