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Ethernet AXI Manager for Xilinx Zynq SoC Devices


Ethernet AXI master has been renamed to Ethernet AXI manager. In the software and documentation, the terms "manager" and "subordinate" replace "master" and "slave," respectively.

To implement HDL Verifier™ Support Package for Xilinx®zynq®-based hardware features, you must configure the host computer and the hardware for proper communication. After you install the support package, follow these steps to manually set up the hardware.


Confirm that you have all required hardware and accessories to complete the hardware setup.

  • 千兆以太网连接 - 此连接通常称为network connection。You can use either an integrated network interface card (NIC) with a Gigabit Ethernet cable or a universal serial bus (USB) 3.0 Gigabit Ethernet adapter dongle. This connection is necessary for transmitting data, such as a programming file, from the host computer to the hardware. It is also necessary for sending and receiving signals to and from the hardware.

  • SD卡读取器和可写的SD卡 - 如果主机机器没有集成卡读取器,请使用外部USB SD读卡器。

  • 金宝app支持的硬件 - 此功能为Xilinx Zynq-7000 ZC706和Xilinx Zynq Zedboard™板提供支持。在以后的步骤中提示之前,请勿连接或打开设备。

  • Ethernet cable – This cable connects the hardware to the host.

Step 2. Configure Host Computer



Follow these instructions forWindows 7or later.

  1. 来自开始menu, click控制面板

  2. View byCategory

  3. 点击网络和互联网

  4. 点击Network and Sharing Center

  5. 在left pane, click更改适配器设置

  6. 右键单击连接到硬件的局域网连接,然后选择特性

    • 如果有未使用的网络连接可用,则局部连接出现为Unidentified network

    • 如果你打算用你的网络连接、select the local area connection that you plan to use for the hardware.

    • 如果您只有一个网络连接,请检查是否可以将无线连接到现有的局域网。您可以将网络连接用于硬件。

    • 您可以使用可插入的USB来千兆以太网LAN适配器而不是NIC。

  7. Networkingtab of the Properties dialog box, clear all options exceptInternet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)。其他服务,尤其是防病毒软件,可能会导致硬件间歇性连接问题。

  8. 双击Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)

  9. 一般的tab, select使用以下IP地址

  10. The default IP address of the hardware is192.168.0.2。主机网络连接必须与硬件在同一子网上。为了满足此要求,必须将兼容的IP地址分配给主机网络连接。将主机网络IP地址设置为192.168.0。X,,,,whereXis either 1 or an integer in the range [3, 255].

    If the first three octets of the IP address field are not 192.168.0, then your hardware is on another subnet. Enter the same subnet number in the IP address.

  11. 将子网掩码设置为默认值255.255.255.0

  12. 点击OK

Configure Linux®

放the host Ethernet interface to have a static IP address. This configuration enables communication with the hardware. The default IP address of the hardware is The host network connection must be on the same subnet as the hardware. To meet this requirement, you must assign a compatible IP address to the host network connection.

  1. 将主机网络IP地址设置为192.168.0。X,,,,whereXis either 1 or an integer in the range [3, 255]. Set this value by using theifconfig命令。例如,在sh输入这个命令ell.

    % sudo ifconfig ethz192.168.0.4 netmask

    In this syntax,ethzis the name of the host Ethernet port (usually eth0,,,,eth1,,,,and so on). To use theSudo命令,您可能必须输入密码。

  2. Confirm the changes by entering this command in the shell.

    % ifconfig ethz




  1. 将4 GB或更大的SD存储卡插入主机计算机上的存储卡读取器。


    If the SD card is lockable, you must unlock it first. If you use a lockable SD card adapter for a microSD card, you must unlock the card before inserting into the memory card reader.

  2. 使用CoperimageToHostSdcardPathfunction to copy the board-specific SD card image files to the specified SD card drive location in the host system. The SD card image files contain a bootloader and supported operating system information. This function also copies the server daemon for handling the AXI manager host commands on the target SoC device.

    The default SD card image is the SD card files that come with the HDL Verifier Support Package. A custom SD card image is a user-created SD card files.


    要将默认的SD卡映像复制到Windows计算机上的指定位置,用于Xilinx Zynq-7000 ZC706板带有默认IP地址的Xilinx Zynq-7000板,请在MATLAB命令提示符中输入此代码。


    To copy a default SD card image to a specified location on the host computer for a Xilinx Zynq-7000 ZC706 board with a custom IP address and specify the gateway on a Linux platform, enter this code at the MATLAB command prompt. Set the host NIC address to192.168.10。X,其中x必须是[1,3]或[5,255]范围内的整数。

    CoperimageToHostSdcardPath('ZC706',,,,'/media/username/261D-2F2B',,,,...“ deviceaddress',,,,'',,,,'Gateway',,,,'');

    To copy a custom SD card image to a specified location on the host computer for a Xilinx Zynq-7000 ZC706 board with a default IP address on a Windows platform, enter this code at the MATLAB command prompt.

    Before running this command, if your custom SD image is in a zipped format, such as。压缩,,,,。tgz, 或者。gz,将zipped格式文件提取到主机系统中的特定文件夹或目录。

    CoperimageToHostSdcardPath('ZC706',,,,'G:',,,,'SDCardImage',,,,...'c:\ mywork \ hdlv_prj \ sdcard_image \ zc706_sdcard_zynq7000');

Step 4. Update SD Card Image in SoC Device (Optional)

如果您已经通过使用该过程中复制了SD卡图像文件步骤3.将图像复制到主机系统中的SD卡,,,,skip this step.

使用loadImageTotArgetSdcardPathfunction to update the SD card image in the SoC device. Before proceeding with this step, ensure that the SD card is inserted in the target SoC device SD card location and that an Ethernet connection is established between the host system and the target SoC device.





要将自定义SD卡映像复制到目标SOC设备SD卡位置的Xilinx Zynq-7000 ZC706板的位置,并在Windows平台上使用默认IP地址,请在MATLAB命令提示符上输入此代码。

Before running this command, if your custom SD image is in a zipped format, such as。压缩,,,,。tgz, 或者。gz,将zipped格式文件提取到主机系统中的特定文件夹或目录。

loadimagetotargetsdcardpath('ZC706',,,,'SDCardImage',,,,...'c:\ mywork \ hdlv_prj \ sdcard_image \ zc706_sdcard_zynq7000');

To copy a default SD card image to a specified location on the host computer for a Xilinx Zynq-7000 ZC706 board with an IP address that is different from the default value, enter this code at the MATLAB command prompt.

loadimagetotargetsdcardpath('ZC706',,,,...“ deviceaddress',,,,'',,,,'Gateway',,,,'');

Step 5: Load Bitstream File to SoC Device (Optional)


This function loads the custom FPGA bitstream file and its corresponding device tree blob (DTB) file to the target SoC device. You might need to wait for at least 20 seconds to get the changes updated to the target SoC device.


To load a custom FPGA bitstream and its corresponding DTB file to the target SoC device for a Xilinx Zynq-7000 ZC706 board with a default IP address, enter this code at the MATLAB command prompt.


To load a custom FPGA bitstream and its corresponding DTB file to the target SoC device for a Xilinx Zynq-7000 ZC706 board with an IP address that is different from the default value, enter this code at the MATLAB command prompt.

loadbitstream('ZC706',,,,'C:\mywork\hdlv_bitstreams\system.bit',,,,...'C:\mywork\hdlv_bitstreams\devicetree.dtb',,,,...“ deviceaddress',,,,'');

程序在FPGA板上运行后,您可以使用该AXI Manager对象创建一个Axi Manager对象aximanagerobject. To access the subordinate memory locations on the board, use thereadmemoryand写入此对象的对象功能。



