MATLAB Community



上周五,我们发布了MATLAB 7.12(R2011a),这是MATLAB最新,最出色的。此版本中有很多新的和改进的功能。同时,我们还发布了MATLAB Mobile 1.3,并且社区中还有一些新的和改进的事情要谈论。对我来说可悲的是,这也是(桌面)MATLAB的最后一个版本,它具有我实际写的新代码。


MATLAB Desktop

MATLAB Menus at Top of Mac Screen
OS X屏幕菜单 MATLAB now behaves more like other native applications on Mac OS X by showing its menus at the top of the screen instead of inside the application frame.


matlab.desktop.editor API
help matlab.desktop.editor As I long ago promised, we now provide an official programmatic way to access the MATLAB Editor, and its contents. Check it out withhelp matlab.desktop.editor. Over the next few months I’ll be posting more about how this API works and give examples of a lot of cool things you can do now.

Improved Syntax Highlighting in Editor
突出全球和毅力 以前,我们开始突出显示跨函数中使用的非本地变量。现在,我们将其扩展为涵盖全球和持久变量。

Plot Catalog

New and Improved Plot Catalog
help New Plot Browser The plot catalog has been redesigned to be more usable, include more plot types, and provide diagnostics.


Submit a Tech Support Request from MATLAB
提交支持请求金宝app You can now use a built-in GUI for submitting support requests instead of using the website. This is also a great way to ask for all the enhancement you want. It’ll get to the developers faster than by leaving a comment on this blog. To use it, just go to the Help menu and select “Submit a MathWorks Support Request.” You’ll need your MathWorks Account credentials handy in order to log in.


垫子文件合并和比较 与比较tool you can now compare individual variables in a MAT-file down to the field or element of arrays and structures. You can also now merge differences in MAT files.



MATLAB手机1.3Command Window We were lucky that we were able to release the latest version of MATLAB Mobile at the same time as new desktop MATLAB. This version has a lot UI and performance improvements. We’ve made the custom keyboard easier to use, added snapshot previews to the Command Window, and reorganized the History to be filterable and easier to understand.

MATLAB Community

MATLAB Answers

MATLAB Answers
新的matlab答案屏幕 MATLAB Answers has come a long way since it was first released. We’ve added a bunch of cool new features, including a categorical navigation/search on the left side of the screen. Also Community Members with more than 1500 reputation points can edit questions, answers, and tags. Be sure to check back on this blog in the next few weeks for an in-depth review.

Programming Contest

Spring Programming Contest


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