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Coordinate Transformations and Trajectories

Quaternions, rotation matrices, transformations, trajectory generation

Robotics System Toolbox™ provides functions for transforming coordinates and units into the format required for your applications. To learn more about the different coordinate systems, seeCoordinate Transformations in Robotics. You can also generate trajectories using polynomial equations, B-splines, rotation matrices, homogeneous transformations, or trapezoidal velocity profiles.


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axang2quat Convert axis-angle rotation to quaternion
axang2rotm 转动轴角转换为旋转矩阵
axang2tform Convert axis-angle rotation to homogeneous transformation
eul2quat Convert Euler angles to quaternion
eul2rotm Convert Euler angles to rotation matrix
eul2tform Convert Euler angles to homogeneous transformation
quat2axang Convert quaternion to axis-angle rotation
quat2eul Convert quaternion to Euler angles
quat2rotm Convert quaternion to rotation matrix
quat2tform Convert quaternion to homogeneous transformation
quaternion Create a quaternion array
rotm2axang Convert rotation matrix to axis-angle rotation
rotm2eul Convert rotation matrix to Euler angles
rotm2quat Convert rotation matrix to quaternion
rotm2tform Convert rotation matrix to homogeneous transformation
tform2axang Convert homogeneous transformation to axis-angle rotation
tform2eul Extract Euler angles from homogeneous transformation
tform2quat Extract quaternion from homogeneous transformation
tform2rotm Extract rotation matrix from homogeneous transformation
tform2trvec Extract translation vector from homogeneous transformation
angdiff Difference between two angles
cart2hom Convert Cartesian coordinates to homogeneous coordinates
hom2cart Convert homogeneous coordinates to Cartesian coordinates
trvec2tform Convert translation vector to homogeneous transformation
bsplinepolytraj Generate polynomial trajectories using B-splines
cubicpolytraj Generate third-order polynomial trajectories
minjerkpolytraj Generate minimum jerk trajectory through waypoints
minsnappolytraj Generate minimum snap trajectory through waypoints
quinticpolytraj Generate fifth-order trajectories
rottraj Generate trajectories between orientation rotation matrices
transformtraj Generate trajectories between two transformations
trapveltraj Generate trajectories with trapezoidal velocity profiles
waypointTrajectory Waypoint trajectory generator
plotTransforms Plot 3-D transforms from translations and rotations


Coordinate Transformation Conversion Convert to a specified coordinate transformation representation
Polynomial Trajectory Generate polynomial trajectories through waypoints
Rotation Trajectory Generate trajectory between two orientations
Transform Trajectory 生成两个均匀为我国之间的轨迹orms
Trapezoidal Velocity Profile Trajectory Generate trajectories though multiple waypoints using trapezoidal velocity profiles
Minimum Jerk Polynomial Trajectory Generate minimum jerk polynomial trajectories through multiple waypoints
Minimum Snap Polynomial Trajectory Generate minimum snap polynomial trajectories through multiple waypoints
