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Create and deploy standalone applications

Create and deploy standalone applications with金宝app®Compiler™to run simulations on target machines that do not have MATLAB®and Simulink installed.

You can create and deploy standalone applications written in MATLAB code or built in MATLAB App Designer. To run a standalone application, installMATLAB Runtime. For more information, seeInstall and Configure MATLAB Runtime.


simulink.compiler.configureForDeployment ConfigureSimulink.SimulationInputobject for deployment with金宝appCompiler
simulink.compiler.setExternalInputsFcn Set callback to specify data to each external root inport port block at the start of each simulation step
simulink.compiler.setExternalOutputsFcn Set callback to read external root outport block data after each simulation step
simulink.compiler.setPostStepFcn Register a callback to run after each simulation step
simulink.compiler.genapp GenerateMATLABApp to simulate model and deploy application
simulink.compiler.getTunableVariables Find names of all tunable variables
simulink.compiler.modifyParameters Tune block parameters at runtime via workspace variables
simulink.compiler.stopSimulation Stop a long running simulation
simulink.compiler.loadEnumTypes Configure model with enum types for deployment
exportToFMU2CS Export Simulink model to functional mock-up unit (FMU)
sim Simulate a金宝appmodel
Simulink.SimulationInput CreatesSimulationInputobjects to make changes to a model for multiple or individual simulations
mcc CompileMATLABfunctions for deployment
deploytool Open a list of application deployment apps


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