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mexGetVariable (C)

Copy of variable from specified workspace

C Syntax

#include "mex.h" mxArray *mexGetVariable(const char *workspace, const char *varname);



To write MEX functions using modern C++ features and theMATLAB Data API for C++, seeWrite C++ Functions Callable from MATLAB (MEX Files).

CallmexGetVariableto get a copy of the specified variable. The returnedmxArray包含所有数据和cha的副本racteristics that the variable had in the other workspace. Modifications to the returnedmxArraydo not affect the variable in the workspace unless you write the copy back to the workspace withmexPutVariable.

UsemxDestroyArrayto destroy themxArraycreated by this routine when you are finished with it.

Input Arguments

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WorkspacemexGetVariablesearches forvarname, specified asconst char*. The possible values are:


Search for the variable in the base workspace.


Search for the variable in the caller workspace.


Search for the variable in the global workspace.

Name of the variable to copy, specified asconst char*.

Output Arguments

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Copy of variable, specified asmxArray*. The function returnsNULLon failure. A common cause of failure is specifying a variable that is not currently in the workspace. Perhaps the variable was in the workspace at one time but has since been cleared.


See these examples inmatlabroot/extern/examples/mex:

Version History

Introduced before R2006a