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Simulink.SimulationInput class


CreatesSimulationInputobjects to make changes to a model for multiple or individual simulations


TheSimulink.SimulationInputobject allows you to make changes to a model and run simulations with those changes. These changes are temporarily applied to the model. ThroughSimulink.SimulationInputobject, you can change:

  • 在itial state

  • Model parameters

  • Block parameters

  • External inputs

  • Variables

Through theSimulink.SimulationInputobject, you can also specify MATLAB®functions to run at the start and the end of each simulation by usingin.setPreSimFcnandin.setPostSimFcn, respectively.


in= Simulink.SimulationInput('modelName')creates aSimulationInputobject for a model.

在put Arguments

expand all

Create aSimulink.SimulationInputobject by passing the name of the model as an argument.

Example:在= Si金宝appmulink.SimulationInput(装运箱)


expand all

Name of the model for which theSimulationInputobject is created.

在itial state of the model for a simulation specified as aSimulink.op.ModelOperatingPointobject.

External inputs added to the model for a simulation.

Block parameters of the model that are modified.


Model parameters of the model that are modified.

MATLAB function to run before the start of the simulation.

MATLAB function to run after each simulation.

Brief description of the simulation specified as a character array.





Set model parameters to be used for a specific simulation throughSimulationInputobject.


Set block parameters to be used for a specific simulation throughSimulationInputobject.


Set initial state to be used for a specific simulation throughSimulationInputobject.


Set external inputs for a simulation throughSimulationInputobject.


Set variables for a simulation throughSimulationInputobject.


Specify a MATLAB function to run before start of each simulation throughSimulationInputobject.


Specify a MATLAB function to run after each simulation is complete throughSimulationInputobject.


Apply changes to the model specified through aSimulationInputobject.


Validate the contents of theSimulationInputobject.


Load variables from MAT-file into aSimulink.SimulationInputobject.


collapse all

This example shows you how to create aSimulationInputobject.

Open the model.

openExample('simulink/OpenTheModelExample'); open_system('ex_sldemo_househeat'); load_system('ex_sldemo_househeat')

Create a singleSimulationInputobject for a model.

model ='ex_sldemo_househeat'; in = Simulink.SimulationInput(model);

This example shows you how to create an array ofSimulationInputobjects.

Create an array ofSimulationInputobjects by using theforloop.

model ='vdp';fori = 10:-1:1 in(i) = Simulink.SimulationInput(model);end

This example modifies the block parameters of a model through theSimulationInputobject.

Open the model.

openExample('simulink/OpenTheModelExample'); open_system('ex_sldemo_househeat'); load_system('ex_sldemo_househeat')

Create aSimulationInputobject for this model.

mdl ='sldemo_househeat'; in = Simulink.SimulationInput(mdl);

Modify block parameter.

in = in.setBlockParameter('ex_sldemo_househeat/Set Point','Value','300');

Simulate the model.

out = sim(in)

This example shows how useDatasetobjects to set external inputs withSimulink.SimulationInputobjects.

Open the model

mdl ='sldemo_mdlref_counter'; open_system(mdl);

Create aDatasetobject for this model.

t = (0:0.01:10)'; ds = Simulink.SimulationData.Dataset; ds = ds.setElement(1, timeseries(5*ones(size(t)),t)); % First element ds = ds.setElement(2, timeseries(10*sin(t),t)); % Second element ds = ds.setElement(3, timeseries(-5*ones(size(t)),t)); % Third element

Create aSimulink.SimulationInputobject and set the external inputs

in = Simulink.SimulationInput('sldemo_mdlref_counter'); in = in.setExternalInput('ds.getElement(1),ds.getElement(2),ds.getElement(3)');

Add other remaining variables in the expressions. Ensure that the dataset is also on theSimulationInputobject.

Simulate the model.

in = in.setVariable('ds',ds);

Simulate the model

out = parsim(in)

Version History

在troduced in R2017a