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(Not recommended) Show or hide the Property Editor

    propertyeditoris not recommended. Useinspectto launch theProperty Inspectorinstead. For more information, seeCompatibility Considerations.



    propertyeditor显示属性Editor plot tool on the current figure. If no current figure exists,propertyeditorwill create one.

    When you dock, undock, resize, or reposition a plot tool, MATLAB®restores that configuration when you invoke the tool for subsequent figures, both within and across MATLAB sessions. There is no command to reset a plot tool to its original configuration.

    propertyeditor(state)changes the state of the Property Editor plot tool on the figure. For example,propertyeditor("on")显示属性Editor.

    propertyeditor(fig,___)operates on the specified figure instead of the current figure. The inputfigcan precede any of the input argument combinations in the previous syntaxes.


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    Show the Property Editor on a figure by calling thepropertyeditorfunction. The tool opens in the same configuration as last time you invoked the tool.

    plot(1:10); propertyeditor

    Property Editor tool below a figure window. The Property Editor tool has options to set the figure name, colormap, and figure color. A check box is labeled

    Input Arguments

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    Property Editor tool state, specified as one of these values:

    • "on"— Show Property Editor.

    • "off"— Hide Property Editor.

    • "toggle"— Switch the Property Editor state between the"on"and"off"states.

    Example:propertyeditor("on")显示属性Editor plot tool on the current figure.

    Target figure, specified as aFigureobject. Usefig显示或隐藏在一个特定的属性编辑器figure instead of the current figure.

    Example:propertyeditor(f)显示属性Editor plot tool on the figuref.


    If you callpropertyeditorin a MATLAB program and subsequent lines depend on the Property Editor being fully initialized, follow it bydrawnowto ensure complete initialization.


    Show or hide theProperty Editortool from theViewmenu of a figure window.

    Version History

    Introduced before R2006a

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    Behavior change in future release