

Range of values


y = range(X,dim)


range(X)returns the difference between the maximum and the minimum of a sample. For vectors,range(x)is the range of the elements. For matrices,range(X)is a row vector containing the range of each column of X. For N-dimensional arrays,rangeoperates along the first nonsingleton dimension ofX.

y = range(X,dim)operates along the dimensiondimofX.

rangetreatsNaNs as missing values and ignores them.

The range is an easily-calculated estimate of the spread of a sample. Outliers have an undue influence on this statistic, which makes it an unreliable estimator.


The range of a large sample of standard normal random numbers is approximately six. This is the motivation for the process capability indicesCpandCpkin statistical quality control applications.

rv = normrnd(0,1,1000,5); near6 = range(rv) near6 = 6.1451 6.4986 6.2909 5.8894 7.0002

Extended Capabilities

See Also


Introduced before R2006a

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