

Mexican hat (Ricker) wavelet


[PSI,X] = mexihat(LB,UB,N)


[PSI,X] = mexihat(LB,UB,N)returns values of the Mexican hat wavelet on anNpoint regular grid,X, in the interval[LB,UB]. The Mexican hat wavelet is also known as the Ricker wavelet.

Output arguments are the wavelet functionPSIcomputed on the gridX.

This wavelet has [-5 5] as effective support. Although [-5 5] is the correct theoretical effective support, a wider effective support, [-8 8], is used in the computation to provide more accurate results.

This function is proportional to the second derivative function of the Gaussian probability density function.

    Note:You can usegauswavfto obtain a second order derivative of a Gaussian wavelet. If you use the negative of this normalized derivative, the resulting wavelet resembles the Mexican hat wavelet.


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Create a Mexican hat wavelet with support on [-5,5]. Use 1,000 sample points. Plot the result.

lb = -5; ub = 5; N = 1000; [psi,xval] = mexihat(lb,ub,N); plot(xval,psi) title('Mexican Hat Wavelet');

See Also

Introduced before R2006a

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