

This example shows how to reconstruct three independent combined signals transmitted over a single communications link using a Wavelet Transmultiplexer (WTM). The example illustrates the perfect reconstruction property of the discrete wavelet transform (DWT).





不te that a noisy link can cause imperfect reconstruction of the input signals, and the effects of channel noise and other impairments in the recovered signals can differ in FDM and WTM. This can be modeled, for example, by adding a noise source to the data link.


Creating and initializing your System objects before they are used in a processing loop is critical to get optimal performance.

% Initialize variables used in the example such as the standard deviation of% the channel noise.loaddspwlets;% load filter coefficients and input signalNumTimes = 14;% for-loop iterationsstdnoise = .2^.5;% standard deviation of channel noise

Create a sine wave System object to generate the Channel 1 signal.

正弦= DSP.SineWave('频率', fs/68,...'SampleRate',fs,...'SamplesPerFrame', fs*2);

Create a random number generator stream for the channel noise.

strn = randstream.create('mt19937ar','seed',1);

Create a chirp System object to generate the Channel 2 signal.

chirpSignal = dsp.Chirp(...'Type',``扫cosin'',...'SweepDirection',“双向”,...“初始频率”, fs/5000,...'TargetFrequency', fs/50,...“目标时间”, 1000,...'sweeptime', 1000,...'SampleRate', 1/ts,...'SamplesPerFrame', fs);

Create and configure a dyadic analysis filter bank System object for subband decomposition of the signal.

二聚解分析= DSP.Dyadicanalysisfilterbank(...'CustomLowpassFilter',lod,...'CustomHighpassFilter',藏起来,...'NumLevels',2);

Create three System objects for inserting delays in each channel to compensate for the system delay introduced by the wavelet components.

delay1 = dsp.delay(4);delay2 = dsp.delay(6);delay3 = dsp.delay(6);

Create and configure a dyadic synthesis filter bank System object for reconstructing the signal from different subbands of the signal.

dyadicSynthesis = dsp。DyadicSynthesisFilterBank (...'CustomLowpassFilter',[0 lor],...'CustomHighpassFilter',[0 hir],...'NumLevels',2);

Create time scope System objects to plot the original, reconstructed and error signals.

scope1 = dsp.TimeScope(3,...'Name','Three Channel WTM: Original (delayed)',...'SampleRate',fs,...'TimeSpan',8,...'YLimits', [-2 2],...'ShowLegend', 真的,...“ timespanoverrunaction”,'滚动');pos = scope1.position;pos(3:4)= 0.9*pos(3:4);scope1.position = [pos(1)-1.1*pos(3)pos(2:4)];scope2 = dsp.timescope(3,...'Name','Three Channel WTM: Reconstructed',...'位置', pos,...'SampleRate',fs,...'TimeSpan',8,...'YLimits', [-2 2],...'ShowLegend', 真的,...“ timespanoverrunaction”,'滚动');scope3 = dsp.timescope(3,...'Name',“三个通道WTM:错误”,...'位置', [pos(1)+1.1*pos(3) pos(2:4)],...'SampleRate',fs,...'TimeSpan',8,...'YLimits', [-5e-11 5e-11],...'ShowLegend', 真的,...“ timespanoverrunaction”,'滚动');% Create variable for Channel 3 signal.tx_ch3 = [一个(35,1); zeros(45,1)];% Generate the Channel 3 signal



forii = 1:NumTimes Tx_Ch1 = sine() +...stdnoise*randn(strN,fs*2,1);% Generate Channel 1 signalTx_Ch1_delay = delay1(Tx_Ch1); Tx_Ch2 = chirpSignal();% Generate Channel 2 signalTx_Ch2_delay = delay2(Tx_Ch2); Tx_Ch3_delay = delay3(Tx_Ch3);%延迟频道3信号% Concatenate the three channel signalsTx = [Tx_Ch1; Tx_Ch2; Tx_Ch3];% Synthesis stage equivalent to frequency modulation.y =二二合成(TX);%分析阶段Rx = dyadicAnalysis(y);% Separate out the three channelsRx_Ch1 = Rx(1:160); Rx_Ch2 = Rx(161:240); Rx_Ch3 = Rx(241:320);%计算TX和RX信号之间的误差err_Ch1 = Tx_Ch1_delay - Rx_Ch1; err_Ch2 = Tx_Ch2_delay - Rx_Ch2; err_Ch3 = Tx_Ch3_delay - Rx_Ch3;% Plot the results.scope1(Tx_Ch1_delay, Tx_Ch2_delay, Tx_Ch3_delay); scope2(Rx_Ch1, Rx_Ch2, Rx_Ch3); scope3(err_Ch1, err_Ch2, err_Ch3);end释放(Scope1);释放(scope2);释放(scope3);


In this example you used theDyadicAnalysisFilterBankDyadicSynthesisFilterBankSystem objects to implement a Wavelet Transmultiplexer. The perfect reconstruction property of the analysis and synthesis wavelet filters enables perfect extraction of multiplexed inputs.
