
Barrage Jammer


phased.BarrageJammer对象模型宽带干扰器。输出phased.BarrageJammeris a complex white Gaussian noise sequence. The modifiable properties of the barrage jammer are:

  • ERP- 瓦特的有效辐射功率

  • SampleSperframeSource- 每个框架样品数量来源

  • SampleSperframe— Number of samples per frame

  • SeedSource— Source of seed for random number generator

  • Seed- 随机数生成器的种子

这real and imaginary parts of the complex white Gaussian noise sequence each have variance equal to 1/2 the effective radiated power in watts. Denote the effective radiated power in watts byP. The barrage jammer output is:

w [ n ] = P 2 x [ n ] + j P 2 y [ n ]

在这个等式中,x [n]y[n]是具有单位方差的零均值高斯随机变量的不相关序列。

Model Barrage Jammer Output

该示例检查了弹幕干扰器输出的统计特性及其与有效辐射功率的关系(ERP). Create a barrage jammer using an effective radiated power of 5000 watts. Generate output at 500 samples per frame. Then call thestepfunction once to generate a single frame of complex data. Using the直方图功能,显示Barrage Jammer输出值的分布。这BarrageJammerSystem object uses a random number generator. In this example, the random number generator seed is fixed for illustrative purposes and can be removed.

Note:此示例仅在R2016B或更高版本中运行。如果您使用的是较早的版本,请用等效替换每个呼叫对函数的调用stepsyntax. For example, replacemyObject(x)with步骤(MyObject,X).

RNGdefaultjammer = phased.barragejammer('erp',5000,...'SamplesPerFrame',500); y = jammer(); subplot(2,1,1) histogram(real(y)) title(“真实部分的直方图”) subplot(2,1,2) histogram(imag(y)) title(“假想部分的直方图”)xlabel('Watts')


ans = -1.0961
ans = -2.1671

which are effectively zero. The standard deviations of the real and imaginary parts are

ans = 50.1950
ans = 49.7448

which agree with the predicted value of E R P / 2 .

Model Effect of Barrage Jammer on Target Echo


Note:此示例仅在R2016B或更高版本中运行。如果您使用的是较早的版本,请用等效替换每个呼叫对函数的调用stepsyntax. For example, replacemyObject(x)with步骤(MyObject,X).

antenna = phased.ULA(4); Fs = 1e6; fc = 1e9; rng('默认') waveform = phased.RectangularWaveform('PulseWidth',100e-6,...'PRF',1E3,'numpulses',5,'SampleRate',fs);发射机= phased.Transmitter('PeakPower',1E4,“获得”,20,...'InUseOutputPort',true); radiator = phased.Radiator('Sensor',antenna,'工作频率',fc);jammer = phased.barragejammer('erp',1000,...'SamplesPerFrame',waveform.NumPulses*waveform.SampleRate/waveform.PRF); target = phased.RadarTarget('模型','Nonfluctuating',...'MeanRCS',1,'工作频率',fc);targetchannel = phased.FreeSpace(“ TwowayPropagation”,true,...'SampleRate',Fs,'工作频率',fc);jammerchannel = phased.FreeSpace(“ TwowayPropagation”,错误的,...'SampleRate',Fs,'工作频率',fc);collector = phasted.collector('Sensor',antenna,...'工作频率',fc);amplifier = phased.ReceiverPreamp('EnableInputPort',true);

Assume that the array, target, and jammer are stationary. The array is located at the global origin,(0,0,0). The target is located at(1000,500,0), and the jammer is located at(2000,2000,100). Determine the directions from the array to the target and jammer.

targetloc = [1000 ; 500; 0]; jammerloc = [2000; 2000; 100]; [~,tgtang] = rangeangle(targetloc); [~,jamang] = rangeangle(jammerloc);

Finally, transmit the rectangular pulse waveform to the target, reflect it off the target, and collect the echo at the array. Simultaneously, the jammer transmits a jamming signal toward the array. The jamming signal and echo are mixed at the receiver. Generate waveform

wav = waveform();% Transmit waveform[wav,txstatus] = transmitter(wav);% Radiate pulse toward the targetwav =散热器(wav,tgtang);%向目标传播脉冲wav = targetchannel(wav,[0;0;0],targetloc,[0;0;0],[0;0;0]);% Reflect it off the targetwav = target(wav);% Collect the echowav = collector(wav,tgtang);

Generate the jamming signal

jamsig = jammer();%将干扰信号传播到阵列jamsig = JammerChannel(Jamsig,Jammerloc,[0; 0; 0],[0; 0; 0; 0],[0; 0; 0; 0]);%收集干扰信号jamsig = collector(jamsig,jamang);%单独接收目标回声并靶标回声 +干扰信号pulsewave = amplifier(wav,~txstatus); pulsewave_jamsig = amplifier(wav + jamsig,~txstatus);


子图(2,1,1)t = umigrid(0,1/fs,size(pulsewave,1)*1/fs,'[)');图(t*1000,abs(pulsewave(:,1)))标题('Magnitudes of Pulse Waveform Without Jamming--Element 1')ylabel('Magnitude') subplot(2,1,2) plot(t*1000,abs(pulsewave_jamsig(:,1))) title('Magnitudes of Pulse Waveform with Jamming--Element 1')xlabel('毫秒')ylabel('Magnitude')