
Waveforms with Staggered PRFs

When to Use Staggered PRFs

Using a nonconstant PRF has important applications in radar. This approach is calledPRForPRI staggering.

Uses of staggered PRFs include

  • Removal of Doppler ambiguities, orblind speeds, where Doppler frequencies that are multiples of the PRF are aliased to zero

  • Mitigation of the effects of jamming

To implement a staggered PRF, configure your waveform object using a vector instead of a scalar for thePRFproperty value.

Linear FM Waveform with Staggered PRF

This example shows how to model a linear FM pulse waveform with two PRFs of 1 and 2 kHz. Set the sweep bandwidth to 200 kHz and the duration of 100 μs. The sample rate is 1 MHz. Output 5 pulses.

Note:This example runs only in R2016b or later. If you are using an earlier release, replace each call to the function with the equivalentstepsyntax. For example, replacemyObject(x)withstep(myObject,x).

prfs = [1e3 2e3]; waveform = phased.LinearFMWaveform('PRF',prfs,'SweepBandwidth',200e3,...'PulseWidth',100e-6,'NumPulses',5); sig = waveform(); T = length(sig)*(1/waveform.SampleRate); t = unigrid(0,1/waveform.SampleRate,T,'[)'); plot(t.*1000,real(sig)) set(gca,'xtick',[0 1 1.5 2.5 3]); xlabel('millisec')