
Component Equations

Write equations to represent custom component behavior

Language Syntax

assert Program customized run-time errors and warnings
delay Return past value of operand
der Return time derivative of operand
equations Define component equations
function Reuse expressions in component equations and in member declarations of domains and components
integ Perform time integration of expression
intermediates Define intermediate terms for use in equations
tablelookup Return value based on interpolating set of data points
time Access global simulation time
value Convert variable or parameter to unitless value with specified unit conversion


Defining Component Equations

The purpose of the equation section is to establish the mathematical relationships among a component’s variables, parameters, inputs, outputs, time and the time derivatives of each of these entities.

Simple Algebraic System

This example shows implementation for a simple algebraic system.

Use Simulation Time in Equations

This example shows how you can access global simulation time from the equation section.

Using Conditional Expressions in Equations

You can specify conditional equations by usingifstatements.

Using Intermediate Terms in Equations

Textbooks often define certain equation terms in separate equations, and then substitute these intermediate equations into the main one.

Using Lookup Tables in Equations

You can use thetablelookupfunction in theequationssection of the Simscape™ file to interpolate input values based on a set of data points in a one-dimensional, two-dimensional, or three-dimensional table.

Programming Run-Time Errors and Warnings

Use theassertconstruct to implement run-time error and warning messages for a custom block.

Initial Equations

Specify additional equations to be executed during model initialization only.

Simscape Functions

Use Simscape functions to reuse expressions in equations and member declarations of multiple components.

Import Symbolic Math Toolbox Equations

Example of using Symbolic Math Toolbox™ software to solve the physical equations, generate code in the format appropriate for the Simscape language equation section, and incorporate the generated code into the equation section of a component file.