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Simscape Mechanical Interfaces

ConnectSimscape™ Multibody™联合块Simscape块

Use the these blocks to connect theSimscape Multibody联合块Simscape块that have rotational or translational ports.

Simscape Blocks

Rotational Multibody Interface Interface between mechanical rotational networks andSimscapeMultibodyjoints
Translational Multibody Interface Interface between mechanical translational networks andSimscapeMultibodyjoints


Connecting Simscape Networks to Simscape Multibody Joints

Model 3-D mechanical systems that also include hydraulic, electrical, pneumatic, and other physical systems represented by 1-D Simscape networks.

Modeling a Double-Acting Actuator

Model a double-acting actuator with where the mechanical system of the cylinder is modeled in Simscape Multibody and the hydraulic system is modeled in Simscape.