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Signal Analyzer

Visualize and compare multiple signals and spectra


TheSignal Analyzerapp is an interactive tool for visualizing, preprocessing, measuring, analyzing, and comparing signals in the time domain, in the frequency domain, and in the time-frequency domain. Using the app, you can:

  • Easily access all the signals in the MATLAB®workspace

  • Smooth, filter, resample, detrend, denoise, duplicate, extract, rename, and edit signals without leaving the app

  • Add and apply custom preprocessing functions

  • Visualize and compare multiple waveform, spectrum, persistence, spectrogram, and scalogram representations of signals simultaneously

  • Measure data and signal statistics

TheSignal Analyzerapp provides a way to work with many signals of varying durations at the same time and in the same view.

For more information, seeUsing Signal Analyzer App.

  • Signal Analyzerno longer opensSignal Labeler, which is now available as an app. If you want to label signals, openSignal Labelerfrom the MATLAB Toolstrip or the Command Window.

  • You need a Wavelet Toolbox™ license to use the scalogram view and to apply wavelet denoising to signals.

Open the Signal Analyzer App

  • MATLAB Toolstrip: On theAppstab, underSignal Processing and Communications, click the app icon.

  • MATLAB command prompt: EntersignalAnalyzer.

Programmatic Use

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signalAnalyzeropens theSignal Analyzer应用程序。

signalAnalyzer(sig)opens theSignal Analyzerapp and imports and plots the signalsig. If the app is already open, then it plotssigin the current display. Ifsigis already plotted but has changed, then the function call updates the plot.

sigcan be a variable in the workspace or a MATLAB expression.sigcan be:

  • A vector or a matrix with independent signals in each column.

  • Atimetablewith time values specified as durations.

  • Atimeseriesobject.

SeeData Types Supported by Signal Analyzerfor more details.

By default, the app plots the signal as a function of sample index. If you provide time information, or if the signal has inherent time information, then the app plots the signal as a function of time.

signalAnalyzer(sig1,...,sigN)importsNsignal vectors or matrices and plots them in the current display. The app does not support importing signals with inherent time information and signals without inherent time information in the same function call.

signalAnalyzer(___,'SampleRate',fs)specifies a sample rate,fs, as a positive scalar expressed in Hz. The app uses the sample rate to plot one or more signals against time, assuming a start time of zero. You can specify a sample rate for signals with no inherent time information.

signalAnalyzer(___,'SampleTime',ts)specifies a sample time,ts作为一个积极的标量用秒表示。的一个pp uses the sample time to plot one or more signals against time, assuming a start time of zero. You can specify a sample time for signals with no inherent time information.

signalAnalyzer(___,'StartTime',st)specifies a signal start time,st, as a scalar expressed in seconds. If you do not specify a sample rate or sample time, then the app assumes a sample rate of 1 Hz. You can specify a start time for signals with no inherent time information.

signalAnalyzer(___,'TimeValues',tv)specifies a vector,tv, with time values corresponding to the data points.tvcan be a real numeric vector with values expressed in seconds.tvcan also be adurationarray. The values intvmust be unique and cannot beNaN, but they need not be uniformly spaced. All input signals must have the same length astv. You can specify a vector of time values for signals with no inherent time information.

Filtering and scalogram view do not support nonuniformly sampled signals.


Introduced in R2016a

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Behavior changed in R2020a