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Antennas, Microphones, and Sonar Transducers

Antennas with isotropic, cosine, sinc, cardioid, Gaussian, and custom response patterns; dipole antennas; microphones with omnidirectional and custom response patterns; sonar transducers; polarization

You can simulate a phased array using the antenna, microphone, and sonar transducer System objects contained in this toolbox. You can choose from several common antenna and microphone element types but you can also define custom antenna or microphone elements. Antennas include isotropic, cosine, sinc, cardioid, and Gaussian for scalar fields and dipole short dipole, crossed-dipole, and NR-element antennas to simulate polarized electromagnetic fields. The toolbox also includes omnidirectional and custom microphones which are useful in audio applications. The toolbox supports sonar applications with isotropic projector and hydrophone System objects. Plotting tools let you display radiation patterns for power and directivity.

Phased array systems are also compatible with antennas from Antenna Toolbox™. Use of this toolbox requires an additional license. For an example of how to use Antenna Toolbox antennas in place of Phased Array System Toolbox™ antennas, seeUsing Antenna Toolbox with Phased Array Systems.

The toolbox also provides models for transmitting and receiving amplifiers.


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phased.CardioidAntennaElement Cardioid antenna element
phased.CosineAntennaElement Cosine antenna element
phased.CrossedDipoleAntennaElement Crossed-dipole antenna element
phased.CustomAntennaElement Custom antenna element
phased.GaussianAntennaElement Gaussian antenna element
phased.IsotropicAntennaElement 是otropic antenna element
phased.NRAntennaElement 5G antenna element described in 3GPP TR 38.901 specification
phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement Short-dipole antenna element
phased.SincAntennaElement Sinc天线元素
phased.CustomMicrophoneElement Custom microphone element
phased.OmnidirectionalMicrophoneElement Omnidirectional microphone element
phased.IsotropicHydrophone 是otropic hydrophone element
phased.IsotropicProjector 是otropic projector element


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aperture2gain Convert effective aperture to gain
gain2aperture Convert gain to effective aperture
ap2beamwidth Compute half-power beamwidth from aperture length
beamwidth2ap Computes aperture length of unweighted antenna from beamwidth
beamwidth2gain Compute antenna gain from azimuth and elevation beamwidths
uv2azel Convert u/v coordinates to azimuth/elevation angles
azel2uv Convert azimuth/elevation angles to u/v coordinates
phitheta2azel Convert angles from phi/theta form to azimuth/elevation form
azel2phitheta Convert angles from azimuth-elevation form to phi-theta form
uv2phitheta Convert u/v coordinates to phi/theta angles
phitheta2uv Convert phi/theta angles to u/v coordinates
uv2azelpat Convert radiation pattern from u/v form to azimuth/elevation form
azel2uvpat Convert radiation pattern from azimuth/elevation form to u/v form
azelcut2pat Create 3-D response pattern from azimuth and elevation cuts
phitheta2azelpat Convert radiation pattern from phi-theta coordinates to azimuth-elevation coordinates
azel2phithetapat Convert radiation pattern from azimuth-elevation coordinates to phi-theta coordinates
uv2phithetapat Convert radiation pattern from u/v form to phi/theta form
phitheta2uvpat Convert radiation pattern from phi/theta form to u/v form
rotpat Rotate radiation pattern
polellip 椭圆的参数跟踪的极地ized field vector
polratio Ratio of vertical to horizontal linear polarization components of a field
pol2circpol Convert linear component representation of field to circular component representation
circpol2pol Convert circular component representation of field to linear component representation
stokes Stokes parameters of polarized field
polloss Polarization loss
polsignature Copolarization and cross-polarization signatures


polarpattern Interactive plot of radiation patterns in polar format




Radiation Patterns