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Map embedding vector to word



words= vec2word(emb,M)returns the closest words to the embedding vectors in the rows ofM.


[words,dist] = vec2word(emb,M)returns the closest words to the embedding vectors inM, and returns the distancesdistof each to their source vectors.


___= vec2word(emb,M,k)returns the topkclosest words.


___= vec2word(___,'Distance',distance)specifies the distance metric.


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Load a pretrained word embedding usingfastTextWordEmbedding. This function requires Text Analytics Toolbox™ Modelfor fastText English 16 Billion Token Word Embeddingsupport package. If this support package is not installed, then the function provides a download link.

emb = fastTextWordEmbedding
emb = wordEmbedding with properties: Dimension: 300 Vocabulary: [1×1000000 string]

Map the words "Italy", "Rome", and "Paris" to vectors usingword2vec.

italy = word2vec(emb,"Italy"); rome = word2vec(emb,"Rome"); paris = word2vec(emb,"Paris");

Map the vectoritaly - rome + paristo a word usingvec2word.

word = vec2word(emb,italy - rome + paris)
word = "France"

Find the top five closest words to a word embedding vector and their distances.

Load a pretrained word embedding usingfastTextWordEmbedding. This function requires Text Analytics Toolbox™ Modelfor fastText English 16 Billion Token Word Embeddingsupport package. If this support package is not installed, then the function provides a download link.

emb = fastTextWordEmbedding;

Map the words "Italy", "Rome", and "Paris" to vectors using word2vec.

italy = word2vec(emb,"Italy"); rome = word2vec(emb,"Rome"); paris = word2vec(emb,"Paris");

Map the vectoritaly - rome + paristo a word usingvec2word. Find the top five closest words using the Euclidean distance metric.

k = 5; M = italy - rome + paris; [words,dist] = vec2word(emb,M,k,'Distance','euclidean');

Plot the words and distances in a bar chart.

figure; bar(dist) xticklabels(words) xlabel("Word") ylabel("Distance") title("Distances to Vector")

Input Arguments

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Input word embedding, specified as awordEmbeddingobject.

Word embedding vectors, specified as a matrix. Each row ofMis a word embedding vector.Mmust haveemb.Dimensioncolumns.

Number of closest words to return, specified as a positive integer.

Distance metric, specified as的余弦or'euclidean'.

Output Arguments

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Output words, returned as a string vector.

Distance of words to their source vectors, returned as a vector.

版本;n History

Introduced in R2017b