
version (11.3 KB) by Giampiero Campa
Mu-Tools based Multivariable System Identification


Updated20 Feb 2007

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Mu-Tools based Multivariable System Identification

The Musysid folder contains some useful tools for :
- black box MIMO system identification
- state space system fitting from a given frequency response
- converting frequency response data between the MU-TOOLS Toolbox and the SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION Toolbox formats.

There are 8 files:

- contents : describes the files in the musysid folder

- arx3 : arx MIMO system identification
- rarx3 : recursive arx MIMO system identification

- fre2sys : sys fitting from MIMO frequency response
- ffte : rough fft based MIMO transfer function estimate

- ff2vm : frequency format to varying matrices
- vm2ff : varying matrices to frequency format
- phasefix : move phase angles in the interval [-pi, pi]

Cite As

Giampiero Campa (2022).musysid(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R11.1
有限公司mpatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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