
version (264 KB) by Giampiero Campa
The Simulink MatriX Library (SMXL) - a collection of blocks that handle matrices in Simulink.


Updated23 Oct 2007

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SMXL (Simulink MatriX Library) it's a powerful real and complex matrix operations support for Simulink 3
(R11.1) that works fine for later versions as well.
It features :

-) Multiplication
-) Transposition
-) Singular Value Decomposition
-) Pseudo-Inversion via SVD
-) Other simple operations

All the s-functions are written in optimized level-2 c code and are fully Real Time Workshop Compatible.

A library of ROTATION MATRICES which can be very useful for simulations of rigid bodies in 3D space, is included.

There are different examples including a Variable State Space System and an adaptive multilayer neural network.

Cite As

Giampiero Campa (2022).smxl(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R11.1
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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