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Poles of expression or function



P = poles(f,var)finds the poles offwith respect to variablevar.


P = poles(f,var,a,b)returns poles in the interval (a,b).


[P,N] = poles(___)returns the poles offand their orders inN.


[P,N,R] = poles(___)returns the poles off, their orders, and residues inR.


collapse all

syms x poles(1/(x-1i))
ans = 1i
ans = 1

Find the poles of this expression. If you do not specify a variable,polesuses the default variable determined bysymvar.

syms x a f = 1/((x-1)*(a-2)); poles(f)
ans = 1

Find the poles with respect toa通过指定第二个参数。

syms x a poles(f,a)
ans = 2


SYMS X POLE(tan(x),x,-pi,pi)
ans = -pi/2 pi/2

The tangent function has an infinite number of poles. If you do not specify the interval,polescannot find all of them. It issues a warning and returns an empty symbolic object.

syms x poles(tan(x))
Warning: Unable to determine poles. ans = Empty sym: 0-by-1

Ifpolescan prove that the input does not have poles in the interval, it returns empty without issuing a warning.

syms x poles(tan(x), x, -1, 1)
ans = Empty sym: 0-by-1

Return orders along with poles by using two output arguments. Restrict the search interval to(-pi,pi).

syms x [Poles, Orders] = poles(tan(x)/(x-1)^3, x, -pi, pi)
Poles = -pi/2 pi/2 1 Orders = 1 1 3

Return the residues and orders along with the poles by specifying three output arguments.

syms x a [Poles, Orders, Residues] = poles(a/(x^2*(x-1)), x)
Poles = 1 0 Orders = 1 2 Residues = a -a

Input Arguments

collapse all

Input, specified as a symbolic expression or function.

Independent variable, specified as a symbolic variable.

Search interval for poles, specified as a vector of two real numeric or symbolic numbers (including infinities).


  • Ifpolescannot find all nonremovable singularities and cannot prove that they do not exist, it issues a warning and returns an empty symbolic object.

  • Ifpolescan prove that the input does not have poles (in the specified interval or complex plane), it returns empty without issuing a warning.

  • aandbmust be real numbers or infinities. If you provide complex numbers,polesuses an empty interval and returns an empty symbolic object.

Introduced in R2012b