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Money.Net Web Socket Interface

Current, intraday, historical, real-time, and news data from Money.Net using Money.Net web socket interface

With a connection to Money.Net using the Money.Net web socket interface, retrieve current, intraday, historical, and real-time market data. You can also retrieve current and real-time Money.Net news stories.


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moneynetws Create Money.Net web socket interface connection
close Close Money.Net connection
isconnection Determine if Money.Net web socket interface connection is valid
getdata Retrieve Money.Net current data
getsubscriptions Retrieve Money.Net subscribed symbols and event handler functions
news Search and stream Money.Net latest news stories
optionchain Retrieve Money.Net option symbols
realtime Retrieve Money.Net real-time data
stop Unsubscribe Money.Net real-time data updates
timeseries Retrieve Money.Net intraday and historical data


Retrieve Current and Historical Money.Net Data Using Money.Net Web Socket Interface

Connect to Money.Net and retrieve current and historical data for symbols and option symbols.

Retrieve Real-Time Money.Net Data Using Money.Net Web Socket Interface

Connect to Money.Net and retrieve real-time Money.Net data using the default and custom event handler functions.

Retrieve Money.Net News Stories Using Money.Net Web Socket Interface

Connect to Money.Net and search for news stories or stream news stories in real time.