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Retrieve pointer behavior from graphics object


pointerBehavior= iptGetPointerBehavior(obj)returns the pointer behavior structure associated with the graphics objectobj. A pointer behavior structure contains function handles that interact with a figure's pointer manager (seeiptPointerManager) to control what happens when the figure's mouse pointer moves over and then exits the object.

Input Arguments

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Graphics object, specified as a handle to a figure, axes, uipanel, or image graphics objects.

Output Arguments

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Pointer behavior, returned as a structure with three fields.

Field When Called
enterFcn Called when the mouse pointer moves over the object.
traverseFcn Called once when the mouse pointer moves over the object, and called again each time the mouse moves within the object.
exitFcn Called when the mouse pointer leaves the object.

Ifobjdoes not contain a pointer behavior structure, theniptGetPointerBehaviorreturns[].

Version History

Introduced in R2006a