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Delete function handle from callback list



iptremovecallback(obj,callback,ID)deletes the callback with identifierIDfrom the list of callbacks for graphics objectobj.


Add and Remove Callbacks from Figure

Add three callbacks to a figure and try them interactively. Whenever MATLAB®detects mouse motion over the figure, functionsf1,f2, andf3are called in that order.

h = figure; f1 = @(varargin) disp('Callback 1'); f2 = @(varargin) disp('Callback 2'); f3 = @(varargin) disp('Callback 3'); id1 = iptaddcallback(h,'WindowButtonMotionFcn', f1); id2 = iptaddcallback(h,'WindowButtonMotionFcn', f2); id3 = iptaddcallback(h,'WindowButtonMotionFcn', f3);

Remove the callbackf2. Move the mouse over the figure again. Whenever MATLAB detects mouse motion over the figure, only functionsf1andf3are called.


Input Arguments

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Graphics object, specified as a handle to a figure, axes, uipanel, or image graphics objects.

Callback property of the graphics objectobj, specified as a character vector. For a list of callbacks for graphics objects, seeFigure Properties,Axes Properties,Panel Properties, andImage Properties.

Data Types:char

Callback identifier for functionfun, specified as a positive integer. This identifier is returned byiptaddcallbackwhen you add a function to the callback list.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also