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Model Architecture

Set up model for designing wireless communications hardware systems with streaming sample interface

In hardware, processing an entire frame of data at one time has a high cost in memory and area. To save resources, Wireless HDL Toolbox™ blocks operate on a streaming sample interface with a bus for related control signals. The protocol mimics the characteristics of a real-world system, including inactive intervals between samples and frames.

To set up a model for designing a streaming sample communications system for HDL code generation, you can either:

  • Import framed data from MATLAB®into Simulink®and then convert to streaming samples and accompanying control signals.

  • In MATLAB, convert framed data to streaming samples and accompanying control signals. Then import the stream data into Simulink.

In both cases, you can start with saved data files or generate input data using LTE Toolbox™ or 5G Toolbox™ functions. Construct your hardware algorithm in Simulink by adding blocks from the Wireless HDL Toolbox libraries, and other libraries supported for HDL code generation with HDL Coder™. Then export the output data back to MATLAB for verification.


Frame To Samples Convert frame-based data to sample stream
Samples To Frame Convert sample stream to frame-based data
Sample Control Bus Creator Create control signal bus for use withWireless HDL Toolboxblocks
样品控制总线选择器 Select signals from the control signal bus used withWireless HDL Toolboxblocks


whdlFramesToSamples Convert frame-based data to sample stream
whdlSamplesToFrames Convert sample stream to frame-based data
samplecontrolbus Create sample-streaming control bus
